The Hospital

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"It's going to be difficult getting you back on schedule after all this. Especially after you insisted we delete the footage from your sneaker ad. Care to actually give me a reason for that now, or are we just going to pretend it wasn't weird?"

Amy stares out the speeding car's window, trying to keep the contents of her stomach where it's meant to be. The moment that Anna arrived, Amy recognized her from Colasa-con. She had been following Starling around and taking all her pictures with her fans. She was clearly knowledgeable about Starling's life and the goings-on of the hero world, but after her endless rambling had continued through multiple city blocks worth of driving, she had given up on paying attention.

"Starling, Starling. Are you awake?" A hand jostles Amy's shoulder, and she turns to see the woman looking at her.

"Yes! What do you need?" Amy Asks, exasperated as the ringing in her ears begins to return. She had been grumpy even when it started to fade, but its return only worsened her mood.

"I asked you a question," Anna replies patiently.

"Well, I clearly didn't hear you, so what don't you ask again." Amy snaps, falling back against her car seat's headrest with a thump.

Anna looks at Amy worriedly and speeds up the car, which had already been well over the speed limit before then.

"You really don't need to be going this fast!" Amy says, squeezing her eyes shut and grabbing her stomach as they fly through a sharp turn.

"Sorry, sorry. You're just really worrying me." Anna slows down ever so slightly but the car still hustles down the road a good twenty miles above the speed limit. The mind-numbingly early time ensures that there's no one on the road, not that Amy would feel much guilt if they hit anyone, but she really doesn't feel like dying in a car crash while on the way to the hospital. Especially not while stuck in Starling's body.

"In one mile, turn onto Ford Line to arrive at your destination." A monotone voice call's out over the car's speakers.

"Can we take this turn extra slowly, please? I almost lost my stomach at the last one."

"Of coarce, Of coarce. Sorry again." The car slows down considerably, presumably to the speed limit though Amy doesn't have the energy to lift her head and wait for a sign to pass so she can check. It crosses Amy's mind that she should probably be a little kinder to fit the role, maybe even give Anna some cheesy apology for benign so snappy. Before she can convince herself to go through with it, the woman beside her lets out a string of curses and swerves to the side of the road, parking the car behind a tree.

"What? What's wrong?" Amy sits up and looks around frantically.

"How did they even find us?" Anna mumbles under her breath before turning to Amy and speaking to her in an average volume. "The crew's here. Do you feel up for being filmed?" After a second, Amy spots a white Van with 'Catching up with the heroes' plastered on one side parked in front of a small Urgent Care-like building.

"Absolutely not!"

"Ok." Anna pulls her phone off the dashboard of her car and begins franticly scrolling and typing on it. "There's a much bigger medical center about twenty minutes down the highway from here. Do you think you can make it that long?"

"Anythings better than being filmed right now."

"You're the one who signed the five-year contract with them. I told you to go for the shorter one, but you just had to get the better-paying one." Amy mindlessly agrees with Anna trying not to think too much about her words. "Duck down in your seat." Amy complies as the car begins to crawl forward. Amy passes the time staring at the revolving LEDs on Starling's shoes till Anna announces they're in the clear. "I don't think they noticed us. They're probably still in the van getting their cameras and mics set up.

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