The swap

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Authors Notes:

This fic is shortly after episode ten, and I'm just going to ignore the existence of the last scene because I don't have enough info to really know what's going on. I might also post this on if it doesn't crash and burn like some people say it's going to. This fic will hopefully update once a week, but my life is super busy between sports, running start, and clubs, so we will see.

This chapter is short (like 500 words), but I wanted to publish it before episode eleven. I'm halfway through the next chapter, and it's already 1500 words, so this length won't be the norm.

When Vic had announced to the family (and hartley) that he created a machine to swap the taste of foods around, they had all had a great time with it:

    Pizza flavored cake

    Cake flavored Pizza

    Cinnamon flavored cheese

    Strawberry flavored hotdogs

    And many more

    The fun continued when they began pranking each other with Bean-Bozle-themed food. Eva had drawn the line, though, when Vic switched the taste of her morning coffee with the taste of a sewer grate. The tension in the house had been palpable, so when her mother gave Amy the device in the middle of the night and told her to bring it to the local junkyard, she gladly obliged.

    As Amy walked to the junkyard, feelings and emotions from her previous visit welled up inside of her. She had forgiven Jake and Hartley, but her hatred for Starling had only grown stronger.

    By the time Amy arrived at the junkyard, she was ready to be over with the debacle, but she knew that she needed to hide the swapping device, not just throw it into one of the piles.

    After searching for a few minutes, Amy spots a microwave on top of a pile in the corner of the yard. It would be the perfect place to hide the device. As she begins pulling herself onto the pile of trash the microwave rests on top of, she hears the crunch of boots landing on the gravel behind her. Despite her unsteady footing, Amy whips around to see Starling standing there.

    "What are you doing here!"

    "What are you doing here?"

    Neither of them was willing to answer the other.

    "I'm not going to let you get away. I know it was you who flipped the bus over!" Starling shouts.

    Amy rolls her eyes at the hero's confidence despite her stupidity. "I had nothing to do with that. It was all Jake, the power outage, on the other hand...."

"That was you?" Starling interrupts, "We thought that was just the crapy Texas power grid. I'm, gonna have to report that."

"Do you need a minute to tell your fellow heroes how stupid you are?" Amy asks as she lazily leans against the trash pile. "Cause I'm willing to wait."

"No, I'll kill two birds with one stone. Reporting the mistake and bringing you in!" With this, Starling launches an attack at Amy. As she leaps out of the way of the blast, her shifting weight causes the precariously stacked pile of trash under her topples.

As Amy falls to the ground, the swapping device sails out of her hand and straight at Starling. The hero's fight or flight instinct kicks in, and she sends another blast hurtling toward the device. As the two connect, an explosion rings through the junkyard, and Starling and Amy are thrown into different corners of the yard. As they sail toward the ground, they simultaneously get hit by a second wave and slam into the ground head-first.

Walking in each others bootsWhere stories live. Discover now