???th New Fanfic + Small Note

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Should I give my followers a name? My bear cubs? Idk. 

Alice (is that her name? yeah) is the replacement of who was originally going to be (Y/N) because honestly frick them at this point and I don't want to write about another (Y/N) who gets a whole different personality and becomes separate from the readers in something like this. I actually like this fanfic and I don't wanna mess it up because of this character. Also Alice is a better big sister than (Y/N). I can kill her off and at least 50% of you would care 10 times more. 

Body dysmorphic disorder is a cool mental illness to research to be honest. I actually have a tab open full of symptoms, causes, and other stuff for it. I'm still finding stuff about it, just so I don't get the facts wrong. Don't actually think it's a cool illness to have; you would be miserable. There's also a movie about a girl who wore a box over her head. That's where I got the inspiration from. I forgot what the movie is called and if anyone can even watch it. I recommend it.

Also, there will be characters from the other series on Gharavi's Youtube channel, which are "Cursed Advertisements" and a bit of "Creepy Cryptids" and "Strange Stories". I don't know if they're in the same universe at all, which I'm really doubtful about, but "Cursed Advertisements" has made me some fan-made substory I just can't refuse inserting into this fanfic lol.

No, I am not going to focus on my mental health by taking a break and will make abnormally complex fanfics about popular YouTubers if you tell me to focus on my mental health. I will make you not make it worse :D but I'm fine so yay. Actually, you're probably just going to comment "focus on the mental health pls" just for more content. I will actually do it lol. 

Hopefully going to be publishing every Monday. I want to make people's day then because Monday is a terrible part of the week. This was published on a Sunday because the actual book is starting tomorrow (June 24th, Monday, of 2023). 

Just a disclaimer: I am not responsible for any loss or damage to your wallets and organs while you are reading this fanfic. Have a nice day.

Small Note:

I'm sorry. I'm just sorry. You know who I'm talking to. No Mr. Plant x Argos Omegaverse though, so it's probably going to end up wholesome if I let it go that way. Also, hi! 

My Second Closet (World of Mr. Plant + Other Ashur Gharavi Creations Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now