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    For as long as she could remember, Elizabeth was the failure

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For as long as she could remember, Elizabeth was the failure. Her mom would consistently remind her that she was. At some point — when she got used to it — she wouldn't even listen. She'd think it would be easier to take it, if she'd just . . . leave it like that. The way that it was. It was a really stupid idea. That's when her dad died. Her dad hit her mom. Really hard. Even younger, in front of her. That's fucked up. Her mom didn't even deserve it. Sometimes she'd feel sick of herself because she just couldn't help but . . . Love her dad. She thought that it was fucking disgusting, but he was the light of her life. When everything goes down, she has him. Had him. But now that he was dead, she'd be all alone. That's when she met her. Taissa fucking Turner. The girl who — she didn't knew it yet — would make her loose her mind.

Taissa Turner was mean, bossy, and determined to her goals when they both met. Yet, for Lizzie, it was love at first sight. When the girls met, it was freshman year, and they were at rehearsal for soccer team. Taissa was sweating, and yelling at people, telling them they need to be better than this if they want to get on this "fucking ass team". When she was yelling, Lizzie looked at Taissa with deeply and with so much admiration, that Taissa looked back. Lizzie — obviously — blushed, and looked away, just like in the movies. Except there were two girls sweating like pigs, instead of a hot stupid guy and an ugly smart girl. After looking back, Lizzie heard a scoff. She then looked back at Taissa discretely, and she saw that the girl was smiling.

Talking about movies, why was it always a girl and a boy? Why never a girl with a girl, or a boy with a boy? Her mother made it very clear that if Lizzie ever brought a girl home, she'd be packing to go on the damn streets. Lizzie knew something was off with her since she was little. When she watched "The Breakfast Club", and saw Claire for the first time. She felt butterflies and blushed, you know, typical crush. That, she knew that it wasn't normal. She then asked her mom, who, eventually slapped her and told her that if she ever "believed in that damn shit", she'd — as I said before, — pack her things and leave for the streets. Lizzie then ran to her room, crying. She spend days thinking about it. When she was young, she'd thought that it would affect her. For life. But it didn't. She just wants. . . love and acceptation. From her own mother. She justs wants it- No. It's not a want. It's a need.

When she started hanging out with Taissa, she knew she liked her. Loved her. And Taissa would too, give her signs. In 94', they went on a "movie-date who's not a date". It definitely was. After taking the popcorns, they went to get their seats,and Taissa chose the ones in the very,very back, "just in case something happened". They went to see Shining, thinking it was a romance movie. After discovering it definitely wasn't, the girls looked at each other and laughed silently, approaching their foreheads and smiling together. When their lips got closer, a screamer scene appeared. But they didn't cared about, the screams of scared people in the theater, or the laughter of people mocking their friends. They just cared about themselves for once. After the kiss, they just stopped. Stopped. Nothing was awkward between them, Taissa just stopped. So, Lizzie did too. She stopped believing in themselves.

Apart from, all of this sad shit, Lizzie was a pretty outgoing person. She was kind, careful, and extroverted. She'd be invited to all kinds of parties by tons of different people. She would go out very early everyday, and get back home super late. She just didn't want to be in the house, where she lived and he died. She just couldn't. So, she hang out outside. As I said before, things between Taissa and Lizzie weren't awkward, Lizzie guessed that Taissa didn't liked her. It was pretty hurtful for her to know that Taissa just, got over her. Maybe she didn't...

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     For as long as she could remember, Jens needed to be responsible for everything

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For as long as she could remember, Jens needed to be responsible for everything. She lived with her amazing grandma, whose been there for her her whole life. It's kind of, making sense, since Jens' mom died in a car accident when she was super duper young. She was like seven, when it happened. She was in the car too, but she survived. The thing she knows is that, her grand-mother never looked at her the same. Ever again. Her whole entire life, Jens took care of her grand ma, and vice versa. Valentina — her grand mother — was in Jens' top 1. But she met Charlotte Matthews afterwards. And things changed.

Lottie Matthews was one of the greatest back stabbing bitch Jens had ever met. Maybe she wasn't to anyone else, but she was to her. Jens trusted Lottie, and Lottie just, fucking back stabbed her. How could she? After all the times they'd spent together, eating ice cream, and hanging around Wiskayok (even if there was nothing to do). They just had each other ! And Jens loved that. But Lottie ruined it. For Jens, herself, and their relationship. Jens told Lottie her biggest secret. Well, secrets. And Lottie would just go off at some party, and tell everyone. The next day she told everyone, everyone would just make fun of her. She would walk in the corridors and hear laughs, and giggles. That's when she bumped in — her now best friend — Natalie Scatorccio.

Their meeting wasn't as "best-friendy" as it is now. Natalie was mad that day, and insulted Jens of a "blind whore". Jens couldn't take it anymore so she replied, "you're the one who's
damn blind, you emo fucking bitch !" Which, weirdly attracted Natalie to Jens. They'd become friends really quickly, knowing they had lots in common. They would talk every single day, and call when they could. They would smoke, drink and get high together. But don't forget, Jens had still a grand ma to take care of. She'd never have a 100% fun. Natalie and herself would call her "the 50% blind bitch". They had a lot of inside jokes, and Jens appreciated it. Lottie certainly didn't.

Jens hadn't spoken to Lottie since that day, and when Lottie tried to talk to Jens, she would just avoid it, instead of confronting it, like a normal human being. Which obviously annoyed Lottie a lot. Before Natalie, there was her. She was angry and frustrated about how, her best friend would dump her just like that ! When they confronted each other, Lottie didn't even know that she said it. Blamed it on the "alcohol". Apparently, she blacked out. After not talking to Lottie for a long time, Jens would just have trouble trusting her. That's it. But then, Lottie again — but also Natalie, — helped Jens join the Yellowjackets team. Which was the best choice in her entire life. Or was it. . .

✶ NAH ME WRITING WITH CAPS ON !? unreal. don't steal graphics even if they're shitty !

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