Fatal Error Fight

Start from the beginning

"Well, might be a risky shot, but I'll go to Fatal's place. After all, compared to the other places, Fatal won't kill me immediately. Just hope that he would be cooperative with me."

Dust then steps forward and looks down at the water that has the scene of Fatal's Anti-Void, before he then spoke.

"Well...here I go."

Dust then goes towards the water, and dived into it, as he enters the body of liquid. But when he did, the gravity of the water switched. He now felt heavy, as he is going down into the depths of the dark liquid itself, like he is under extreme pressure, as he goes into Fatal's Anti-Void. He closed his eyes and waits for his destination. And then...after a little bit, he is finally out of the incomplete AU. He fell down, and landed onto the ground that is near the echo-flowers, his clothes felt very wet, which quickly dried up from the open air.

He then sat up, went onto his knees, and when he did, get got spotted by the very skeleton that he is looking for.

He then sat up, went onto his knees, and when he did, get got spotted by the very skeleton that he is looking for

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It is none other then Fatal Error, and he seems to be the same as he was before. He looks at Dust, as he then spoke out.

"Woah, whoever you are, that is quite the fall you took. Who even are you anyway? And why are you here?"

Dust then looks at Fatal, before he extends his right hand out, and he clenched his fist, as Fatal was caught by surprise of the Scythe that he made. It didn't take long for him to realize what kind of Sans that he is.

"No way...Dust?"

Dust nodded his head, as he then spoke out.

"Yep, it's me. I ended up falling into the core by accident. Now I look similar to Core!Frisk with my monochromatic appearance."

Dust nodded his head, as he spoke out.

"I'll bet. What are you doing here anyway?"

Dust looks at Fatal and spoke out to him.

"Well, right now I am trying to find my way back to the Omega Timeline, trying to see if my friends and family are okay. Although, I admit that I have no idea of they will be able to recognize me in a way. Do you think that you can help me?"

Fatal looks at Dust, and he then looks down for a little bit, before he then spoke out.

"Well, I suppose that I can try and lead you to-"

But as Fatal said that...he stopped, as he turned around to a direction behind him. It is almost as if he is...hearing something, even in ways that Dust cannot hear. Dust looks at Fatal in a weird way, as he spoke out.

"Fatal, what's wrong?"

As Dust said that, Fatal then looks down at the ground, and realizing that something bad is about to happen, and when he does, he shouted out.

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