With the same smile still on his face, the other gets up first when someone says the van is ready. Jeff remains in place, silent until Barcode also gets up.

"Let's go?" Barcode calls him.

"What's gonna happen another day?" Jeff asks quietly, alternating his eyes between Barcode and the one who just walked out the door.

"Later." Barcode says simply as he leads the way towards the exit.

The way back to the hotel is long this time. It's inevitable to feel exhausted after the long day they've had to the point where Barcode can barely keep his eyes open. The vehicle moving lulls Barcode and he falls into such a deep sleep, even in such discomfort, that he dreams. A dream he doesn't remember as soon as he opens his eyes again, but seems to throw him into a nightmare as soon as he wakes up.

As if not being able to say no to the guy earlier wasn't enough, Barcode now has to deal with the fact that he has just woken up with his head on the man's shoulder when the van arrives at the hotel. In a combination of apologies and embarrassment, Barcode hurries over to Jeff as if he could hide from the little mess he's caused for the last few hours just being close to him.

As soon as he steps into the room, Barcode grunts, visibly fussing. He throws himself into the armchair next to one of the beds and rubs his face as he rests his elbows on his knees. He doesn't even remember to take his shoes off, but gets up to do it as soon as he sees Jeff getting rid of his.

"What is it?"

The question comes softly, contrasting with all the turmoil he has inside.

"I think I made a huge mistake." Barcode says, moving restlessly as he sets his sneakers down next to Jeff's boots. Jeff just raises his eyebrows in his direction. "I agreed to go on a date."

Jeff laughs weakly and frowns, shaking his head as if he didn't understand.

"You what!?"

"Everyone was right, I think he's really into me." Barcode starts as he walks across the room, agitated. "And then today he talked about going to dinner after the photoshoot, and when I told him to wait for the group to decide, he said it was just me and him. Then you showed up and I said that—that maybe we could go another day, because today was tiring and I just didn't know what to say!"

By the time he finishes explaining, Jeff is already laughing, trying unsuccessfully not to as he covers his mouth with one hand.

"And you even slept on his shoulder!"

"P'Jeeeeeff!" Barcode protests as he throws himself face down on the bed and buries his face in the pillow. "Now I have to go!"

It takes a few seconds for him to know he's been heard, then Barcode turns his face to the side to take a breath, a pout on his lips.

"You don't have to go, just say you don't want to."

"He's going to hate me and it's going to suck."

Jeff laughs again and settles down on the bed with him, lying on his side and resting his head on one hand as he looks at Barcode. Barcode turns slowly onto his back, sighing heavily, still sulking.

"Maybe he'll be a little disappointed, but he won't hate you." Jeff explains, irritatingly calm. "And that's part of it, I doubt it's the first time he's been rejected."

"Rejected!" He says louder and covers his face with his hands. "Of course P'Jeff talks like that, nobody hates P'Jeff, because P'Jeff is exactly like that."

"Like what, Code?" He asks, laughing.

"Like this!" Now he motions exasperatedly in Jeff's direction. "Kind, caring, nice to everyone, talented, handsome and that's because most people don't know about the rest." Jeff has a smile on his lips that makes his eyes get smaller. "Even I'd be happy to get dumped by you."

The older one lets out a loud laugh, throwing his head back. Barcode groans and turns his back to him on the bed, burying his head back in the pillow. In a few seconds he has his body attached to Jeff's and his hand inside the shirt he's wearing. Jeff slowly raises his fingers to his chest where he scratches the skin very lightly in a pleasant caress, but what really melts Barcode is the feeling of Jeff's warm breath on his neck and then a soft kiss.

"You wouldn't get dumped by me." Jeff says quietly.

That information seems to take a different route than every other time, coming to his ears and going straight to the left side of his chest.

Barcode laughs lightly and shakes his head.

"I don't want to upset anyone." He says quietly after a while.

"I know, baby." Jeff answers in the same tone, making him close his eyes. "But that's out of our hands, controlling how people feel."

With a sigh, Barcode just nods, though he doesn't exactly make the effort to process what he's just heard. Jeff lightly rubs his own face in Barcode's hair as he holds him in a tight embrace, his hand still on Barcode's skin.

After a few minutes, Barcode carefully turns around until they are facing each other. Jeff's hand now lands on his back and holds him as close as before. With the other hand, Jeff pulls his face close and pecks him gently as he runs his fingers through his hair. Again Barcode's thoughts are filled by the counting of the few days they still have left.

"I thought tonight once we arrived I was going to rip Phi's clothes off..."

Jeff chuckles at the comment and nods, kissing his cheek once.

"Me too, Nong was too much today."

They share another laugh that fades away as they look at each other closely. Jeff's caress on the younger man's back never ceases and Barcode's fingers slide from Jeff's hair to touch his face. After long minutes, Barcode realizes how much he likes to be with him just like this, in silence.

"I think I just want to chill tonight." It's the way he finds to convey his feelings.

Jeff nods and places a soft kiss on his hand.

"How about we take a long shower..." Jeff starts, pecking his lips and then his cheek. "And then we order something from room service," another kiss on Barcode's forehead "and put on a movie to watch until we fall asleep?"

When he finishes with another kiss on Barcode's lips, the younger man is already smiling and nodding. Many kisses later Barcode is stretching and getting up to follow Jeff into the bathroom. The decision to keep following Jeff seems like a good idea, enough to stick to the phrase heard earlier and that he keeps safe in his chest.

[EN] All of Barcode (and Jeff's) first times in KoreaWhere stories live. Discover now