"Do you have to go to stay in your room? I'll be so lonely in mine." He pouts, then I kiss his cheek.

"You'll be fine." I smile at him, then he holds me closer, nuzzling his face into my shoulder.

"I love you." He whispers in my ear.

"I love you, too, Doctor." I whisper, then he lets go of me, a smile plastered on his face, then he walks out my room and next door to his. I close the door and plop myself onto my bed, immediately falling asleep on my fluffy pillows.


"I don't love you. I hate you. Now leave. Just leave! You've ruined me! You're an embarrassment!" The Doctor shouts at me.

"No, this is just a dream! I know it is! This has happened before!" I laugh, nervously.

"You think this is a dream! Huh?! Well how about now!" He yells, walking over and slapping me to the ground, leaving a red mark on my face, tears streaming. My cheek was throbbing in pain and I could barely touch it without it hurting.

"Doctor... How could you hurt me?" I croaked.

My eyes snapped open and I was on the floor, the Doctor was laying next to me, his arms wrapped around me protectively as he watched me intently, his eyes sad and caring, but he was frightened. Frightened about why I was having such horrible dreams.

"Doctor..." I croaked, and he pulled me to his chest, holding me tightly, and I buried my face into his chest, sobbing.

"Shhh, it's ok." He whispers, softly, rubbing my back, comfortingly.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I don't know what's happening to me." I tell him, but it sounded muffled.

"Don't apologize. It's ok." He rubs my back.

"What happened?" I ask him, sniffling.

"Well, I was sound asleep for awhile then I heard you scream like you were in pain, so I ran to your room, finding you on the floor then you said, 'Doctor... How could you hurt me?' And that... That scared me. To know that I was the one who hurt you in your dream. I just don't understand why this is happening to you." He tells me, then kisses my cheek, the cheek that he slapped in my dream. I pushed the Doctor back and I stood up, he got up with me, then I crawled back into the bed and he got in with me, wrapping his arms around me.

"What time is it?" I ask him, looking up to see his eyes were set on mine.

"It's six-thirty." He replied, I groaned.

"I'm going back to sleep." I tell him, nuzzling my face into his chest, hearing his hearts thumping which was quite soothing to my ears.


"You are a disappointment to everyone... The whole universe! You were never meant to be Time Lord! You were a mistake!" The Doctor shouts at me.

My eyes snap open once again and I glance at the clock on my wall, seeing that it's 6:55. I groaned again, nuzzling my face back into him, but this time I wasn't about to go back to sleep. I stayed awake until it was 8:30, and that's when I realized we needed to get going.

I shook the Doctor awake and he smiled at me, then I kissed his cheek and got up, walking to my closet and closing the doors, then changing into a pair of blue skinny jeans and a red shirt with a black skull on it, then I slip on red converse high-tops and walk back out, wiping a tear away that escaped my eye.

"We should get going." I tell him, sniffling, then I walk out my room and he follows behind me, then Amy walks out of her room and runs up to us, then we walk into the console room.

"Faith, are you alright?" She asks me.

"Just peachy," I reply as I walk out the doors, hurriedly, then I jog over to Amelia who was preparing to get into the plane. "Hey, Amelia! Sorry, I know I'm a bit late." The Doctor and Amy run up next to me.

"That's ok. Just happy you're here now." She smiles, brightly at us.

"So, when do you leave?" I ask her.

"Now, actually. Leaving just a few minutes earlier then expected," She looks over at a couple of guys. "Ready, boys?"

"Yes, M'am!" They both reply, then they run over with their bags, tossing them in the fairly big sized plane.

"Well, hopefully I'll see you folks when I get back." She grins at us then hops into the plane, heading to the pilots seat.

"Goodbye... Amelia." I said, waving to her, then we all backed away and she started the plane, putting headsets on then she flips switches and presses buttons then checks a few other things. She waves at me one last time before she begins riding off down the runway, flying high into the sky.

"Time to go, Faith." The Doctor takes my hand and we all walk back to the Tardis. After getting inside, I flop down onto a chair near the console, the Doctor walks up to me and crouches.

"Are you alright?" He asks me, gently brushing my bangs out of my eyes.

"Yeah." I whispered, then he leaned forward, putting his forehead to mine.

"What do you say, we take a little break? I'll take you back home where you can relax." He tells me and I nod to him, so he stands up and kisses my cheek before walking off to the console. I spaced out for awhile, even when the Tardis jolted and swooshed, I was still not paying much attention. The Doctor walked up to me, picking me up and bringing me out of my thoughts.

"You seem very tired." He said, walking out the Tardis doors with Amy, appearing in my living room, then walking to my room.

"Well, yeah, I am," I retorted. "Didn't exactly get much sleep."

He placed me on my bed, then I got under the covers and he crawled onto the bed, hovering over me.

"Yes?" I ask him, then he leaned down, his lips finding mine as he closed his eyes. The kiss lasted for awhile then he laid down next to me and wrapped his arms around me, nuzzling his face into my shoulder like a little kid.

Soon after, I fell asleep, a smile on my face.


"I bet, you're wondering, 'why am I having these strange dreams'?" A woman asks me, but I can't see her because it's pitch black.

"Who are you?" I ask her, looking into the darkness, then all of a sudden, lights turn on and I'm sitting on a couch in a room with a fake painted on door on the wall and a fake window with a picture in it. The walls are an off-white color, the furniture is beige with swirls on it that are a slightly darker beige, and there's a dark wood rocking chair across the way.

"Oh I don't know, just a dreamer." She replies, walking over to the rocking chair. She's wearing a knee length black dress with lace sleeves, black high-heels, super curly, thick, blonde, poofy hair, and she's wearing thick makeup.

She sits down on the rocking chair, crossing her legs and smiling at me.

"Who are you?" I ask her.

"I'm River Song and you... Are in grave danger." She tells me, almost nonchalantly as she smirks.

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