042. The Boat

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A/n: how many people would read a book of just smut?

Mackenzie tossed and turned all night, she was overcome with thoughts and fears about not only her fate but the friends lost somewhere in the Bahamas. She thoughts about many other things such as her childhood, where Sutton was and how he had promised never to leave her again.

She thought about how it made any sense for Alexander to raise his friend's bastardized child as his own, abuse her, and how Ward new about it and yet never stepped in. When did Ward have the ability to even create Mackenzie, who else knew before hand about it, and who was her Mother?

Growing up Mackenzie knew that Melanie wasn't her brith mother, they had always told her Melanie couldn't conceive children and so they used a donor. Was her 'donor' really her birth mother? Why did she leave her? Does she know of her fate?

Everything was spinning as Kie slept in the bed beside her, Rafe on the floor.

As Rafe snored, Kie was knocking on the window trying to get the attention of Singh's guards which caused Race to wake up in a fuss. He spent some good time arguing that he was their only friend in this situation, but the moment the guard opened the door Kie left.

"Did you know about this diary?" Rafe asked narrowing his eyes at the girl.

"No," She snapped narrowing her eyes back at him. The more she looked at him the more the similarities came out to her. They had the same shaped eyes and nose scrunch. "Do you know who my Mom is?"

"No, how would I know who your Mom is when I had no idea you even share my dna." He huffed, dropping the glare and giving her a sincere frown. "If I knew I would tell you. I know what it's like."

She nodded, opening her mouth to say something but snapping it shut as the door opened and Kie walked back in. The three share a look of anxiety as Kie sat on the edge of the bed, her head in her hands.

"What happened?" Rafe questioned, he let go of a frustrated sigh when she didn't acknowledge his questioned. "You're gonna have to talk to me at some point, okay?"

"Do I have to remind you of everything you've done?" Kie questioned raising her eyebrows up, "You killed peterkin. Do you remember that? And everything you've put Sarah through. The shit you've done to Mackenzie and ignore now that she's related to you?"

"Peterkin. I was protecting my father, our father," Rafe snapped looking at Mackenzie, "Okay? I did what I had to, so, don't."

As Rafe turned away from the girls, Mackenzie watched him. She wondered if Rafe had a similar childhood to her, if Ward had manipulated him into submission the same way Alexander had tried with Sutton, or if Rafe was aware of how much Ward had manipulated him.

Rafe wasn't a good person, but Mackenzie had watched Sutton beg for attention and love from his father, she could only image Rafe doing the same. She knew that if Ward had given him even half the love and affection he gave Sarah, that Rafe would have been a better person.

"I'm as much as victim as she is." Rafe continued, "No? Think about it. Okay? What did I get from shooting Peterkin, huh? Nothing. Okay? I had nothing against her. I mean, I liked her."

Rafe's eyes filled with tears and Mackenzie watched as the boy became emotional. She hadn't seen him cry since they where kids and Alexander backhanded him, Ward watched with out saying a word. Ward simply told him actions have consequences.

Rafe took the blame for Mackenzie when she had accidentally broke a glass.

"You think I wanted to make that choice, huh? What I did was a gift from me to my Father. For him. And I got screwed because of it. Okay? So don't get that look when I say I'm a victim, alright." Rafe paused before shouting, "I am."

Kie and Mackenzie exchanged a frown.

"I will admit though, what I did to Sarah, what I tried to do, uh, what I tried to do to Sarah, that was wrong. I know that alright? So you don't have to remind me."

Rafe stood up, tears rolling down his face. His hands want to the sides of his head as he paced up and down the room before slapping his head in anger.

"She was family. I should've never touched her, you know? I just loose control in my moments like that and I don't know what happened. I'm trying to get better, okay? But first, we have to get out of here and it's better if we work together."

"He's right," Mackenzie nodded, "And now is as good as a chance as we'll get."

Once again, Mackenzie found herself in a situation where she was conflicted with her feelings. She felt wrong for what had happened half an hour ago. Although she had escaped Singh's house alongside Kie and Rafe, it had required Rafe welding a gun.

Kie and Mackenzie spent a good time arguing and weighing the options. The best option in this situation was to hand over the gun to Rafe seeing has he was the best shot.

Not only was she struggling with her morals on that, but the aftermath didn't help. Rafe had offered both of them a rid back on her boat to somewhere safe, just Kie and Mackenzie. He wanted to be safe and said that he didn't trust anyone.

The girls exchanged a knowing look before agreeing with Rafe.

The second the got onto the boat,Mackenzie betrayed her half-brother. She pushed him off the boat and watched as he broke the surface watching her with betrayal in his eyes as the girls drove off leaving him behind just like everyone does

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