The Prologue Part Two

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"All right! I see everyone has arrived! Let's begin!" The high pitched voice spoke up once again. In front of them, pink glowing light erupted around the teachers desk as a plush like doll emerged, waving a wand in the air like a trophy. It was round, with two bunny ears and a small, pinkish nose. It wore a ruffled tutu and was possibly the cringiest sight Yumiko had ever set eyes upon. On the plush's back were two small angel wings, and it wore a gold wing choker with a ruby brooch in the middle.

"What...are you?!" Yumiko exclaimed. The idea that this thing was alive startled her. It couldn't be alive...could it? Unless it was an animatronic of some sort. She refused to believe anything that was in front of her eyes right now. She needed facts, not more unanswerable questions.

" looks like a stuffed animal..." One student retorted, shooting a nasty glare in the plush's direction.

"That's right!" It responded, sending a shiver down Yumiko's spine. So it was sentient. Could it animatronic controlled by artificial intelligence? Then who created it? Why did they create it? And what was it doing here, in this strange classroom? "I am a squeezably soft stuffed animal." The plushie paused and did a twirl midair. "Magical Miracle Girl ★Usami...A.K.A. Usami! I may not look like it, but I'm your squeezably soft teacher!" With a magical ding emanating from her wand, she stuck out a round squeezable hand. "Nice to meet you all!"

"H-huh?!" The chef exclaimed. "Am I hallucinating? Am I the only one who's seeing this?"

"Nah, I see it too," Another student said. There were several outbursts of agreement, with Yumiko adding:

"'s...a talking plush. Is it...sentient? Or is it controlled by someone else?"

"Looks like a talking chihuahua to me!" One student exclaimed. The plush sighed, crossing her rounded arms.

"...Does everybody here know what a rabbit is? It's a lovable animal that's very fluffy and soft."

" you're...a rabbit?" Yumiko asked.

"Yes! That's what I am! A singing, dancing, talking rabbit mascot!" The chef was visibly shaking at that realization. Yumiko was a little confused as well, but not nearly as severe looking as the chef.

"H-hold on!" The chef exclaimed once more. "Let me process this first!"

"Okie-dokie!" Usami replied. Yumiko had to say, Usami was very cute. Despite knowing that it was possibly an animatronic controlled by artificial intelligence, she couldn't help but smile.

"Um...what do you guys think?" The chef's shaking had ceased. "I-I've never seen a stuffed animal that can sing, dance, and talk before..."

"I think it's an animatronic!" Yumiko announced. She then lowered her head down, cheeks flushing in embarrassment. "...sorry!"

"Ah, don't apologize," Nagito reassured her. "That's a great idea..."

"Yeah, it's probably remote controlled or something..." Another student spoke, seeing the chef's reaction he added, "Don't act like such a pussy over a child's toy." They started to discuss what Usami could be, all centering around the idea of her being a child's toy, or an animatronic, like how Yumiko said. She beamed with pride at her chance to inform them. She hoped she was being helpful.

"E-even if it's remote controlled, doesn't it look too lifelike? That's pretty advanced for an animatronic..." One student added, sending a pang of disappointment rattling inside Yumiko's chest. If it wasn't an animatronic, then what was it?" The leader, as Yumiko called him, who had been staying quiet for quite some time, spoke up and said:

"Its movements and mannerisms are not the issue. More importantly, based on what it just seems like Usami knows something about our current situation. Isn't that right?" Yumiko beamed at his show of intelligence. She was really looking forward to conversing with him.

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