The Prologue Part One

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"EEP!" The girl jumped back in surprise at the sudden entry of the other student, nearly toppling over a desk before righting herself and waving her hand in greeting. There were already sixteen others all gathered in one classroom. For a purpose not even she could recall.

"Who goes there?" One student called out. The boy who had just entered blinked, as if dazed. He had ash brown spiky hair and dull colored eyes, wearing a school uniform complete with a tie. He looked around the room at the crowded classroom in confusion.

"" Yumiko's heart sank once she spotted the boy's expression. She was just as confused as he was. She didn't know how she arrived in this classroom, either.

"Um...are you feeling alright, you look quite pale?" The student spoke up again. The girl stood on her toes to get a better look at the one who had spoken. The student was male, with a large torso and blonde hair that stuck out slightly behind. He was wearing a cream colored blazer with strange green straps underneath. She wasn't here to judge him on his fashion sense, of course. She couldn't say much for her own choice of clothing, either.

"Ah, um..." The boy who had just entered muttered something again, snapping her back to reality.

"Hey, could you're also a freshman at this school, right?" Realization dawned on the boy's features.

"Ah...then you're all..."

"See for yourself. We're all freshmen too." The girl nodded in agreement, even though she knew that the boy could not see her. There was a long stretch of silence afterwards, as the girl peered into his eyes, seeing all the gears shifting in place for that realization. The student spoke up again: "I assume...freshmen like us have been gathered in this classroom." The girl had been thinking similarly. They were all freshmen, right? Perhaps this was their homeroom classroom? Then why...could she not remember entering? The girl hated that block in her mind, preventing her from recalling the events before. She hated being confused and unable to get answers.

"Hey...why don't you just come inside for now?" The student addressed the boy, who's hand was still on the door. She tilted her head to see the background behind him, but was met with a white void. She squinted, trying to see past it. It was the same white void reflected in the windows. Panic stirred in her chest. What if...they were trapped? Or, perhaps, was she...dead?!

"Eh? Ah, yes, of course!" The boy entered fully now, his gaze set on the students around him. The silence was set once again, as if by default, where the world just hit pause on the sound. The girl sighed quietly to herself, fingers drumming against her legs. This predicament they were in was utterly baffling to her. Why couldn't she remember entering? She remembered a door and then...nothing. Nothing and then she was here, with everyone staring at her. So they had all been gathered, that was for sure. Maybe she had some kind of dementia that hadn't been diagnosed yet? Her mind swam for answers but they were just out of reach.

"Um, excuse me?" The boy asked, once again startling her from her train of thought. The girl opened her mouth for a response, but was interrupted by the student once more.

"...What is it?"

"Why are we all gathered in this classroom?" The girl pursed her lips. That was what she had been trying to figure out. "No one said anything about coming here, there like an entrance ceremony or homeroom happening right now?"

"Actually...we were just about to discuss that matter." The girl smiled at that statement, cheeks flushing with excitement. She would love to hear everyone's theories, especially the student speaking. He seemed...intelligent. The girl anticipated future conversations with him.


"Well...since you are the last student to arrive, let's start the discussion." The panic the girl was feeling earlier immediately dissipated, replaced by excitement.

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