This finishes Here part 1

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"Jarvis!!!" The Sorcerer yelled as the guards let him into the throne room where Jarvis was sitting on William the wolf king's throne seeing The Sorcerer run over to him. "What is it, Sorcerer! And this better be important!" Jarvis demanded an answer from his Sorcerer.

"It's the Dragon Princess. She, that Dylan guy and his crew are heading into the cave to retrieve the all powerful sword" The Sorcerer spoke which enraged Jarvis as he pulled his sledgehammer. "Wait what!" Jarvis responded. "It's true, sire. There retrieving the sword as we're speaking" The Sorcerer said again. "Looks like your little invasion is about to be over Jarvis" William comments while being still captive along with his wife.

"Oh no king. You see that's where you're wrong, this just means we can have the ceremony a little faster than usual" Jarvis said walking over to William. "What do you mean by ceremony?" William asked with confusion. "Don't you get it. I have been in love with the Dragon Queen for many, many years... but she chose you over me and for what reason you're not as cool as me, you're not as tough or handsome as me, I don't get it" Jarvis explained to everyone in the room.

"Maybe she doesn't like you because you only care about yourself over others and besides you might think you're tough but in reality, if you didn't have that sorcerer next to you, you would be... nothing!" William said back which made Jarvis a little annoyed. "That's what you think, but once she sees the gift I got her, she will be mine... forever. Guards get everything ready, cause I hear some wedding bells ringing" Jarvis said as then began to laugh evilly while a storm started forming around the castle.

Meanwhile back at the cave. Dylan, Quinn, and the others were walking down some stone stairs on their way to find the sword. But Dolly on the other hand wasn't looking straight ahead as she instead stared at Hansel the handsome with hearts in her eyes to which he noticed and began to respond. "What's going on Dolly?" He asked the dalmatian who immediately snapped out of her phase hearing him call her name. "Huh? Hansel!" Dolly yelled while managing to drop her battle axe in the process. "Shoot. I didn't realize you were talking to me, I apologize for scaring you like that" She added before picking up her battle axe.

"It's fine. I was just checking on you, is everything okay?" Hansel asked. "Okay? Yeah I'm good. I'm totally... fine" Dolly replied with an awkward tone of voice. "Ah. I was only asking, cause I saw you spaced out a bit and I thought the cave was scaring you" Hansel said to which Dolly shrugged it off. "Scaring me? Ha! I'm a bruiser. This place is child's play compared to what we have been to, remember when we went to that Ice cave or that windy village?" Dolly asked Hansel who was just about to speak but got interrupted by Dolly speaking again.

"Or wait. What about the time we all went to the temple of LLove or the temple of darkness? Trust me Hansel I'm not scared of anything" Dolly told him. "Right... anywho we should get back to finding the sword" Hansel suggested before walking off, leaving Dolly alone with her inner thoughts.

"Stupid Dolly, you should have asked him out right there and then" Dolly said to herself in her head. On the other hand, Dawkins the Wise was still walking down the stairs following behind Quinn and Dylan who were talking amongst each other, but then Dawkins's eyes widened as he saw something straight ahead making him walk past Quinn and Dylan.

"Oh my dog. There it is!" Dawkins announced to the others, pointing straight ahead to a lonely stone platform. All of them ran over to it and saw a huge rock where it was seen by everyone that the sword was stabbed within it.

"That's it? The Sword of the Dragons!" Da Vinci the colorful said with excitement

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"That's it? The Sword of the Dragons!" Da Vinci the colorful said with excitement. "They say, it chooses the holder by its strength and courage to pull it out and only then will they be a worthy fit to hold the sword" Quinn explains putting her paw on the sword. "So how do we know who is worthy of the sword?" Dylan asked her. "That's the problem... we don't know" Quinn responded with a disappointed look on her face.

"Actually" Suddenly she heard Dolly The Bruiser response to what she had said to which the Dalmatian then stepped forward to speak more. "There is one way, however it would be pretty" Dolly suggested. The scene then changed to a montage of Dawkins, Hansel, Da Vinci and Dolly all trying to pull the sword of the stone but to no avail as they all lay on the floor, sweating heavily. "Yeah that totally worked" Quinn comments to which Dolly took offense too. "Hey I didn't see you two trying to pull it" Dolly said pointing at both Quinn and Dylan.

"Alright... I guess we should give it a shot, right?" Dylan asked the dragon princess who nodded in response. "I'll go first" Quinn said as she then proceeded to slowly step forward over to the sword where she got behind it and placed both her paws on the handle before taking a deep breath. Without hastening she then pulled the sword upwards as hard as she could to which they all looked and saw it was rising up a tad bit only for it to go back downwards. The force of the sword going down then caused Quinn to let go as she fell onto the ground.

"Quinn!" Dylan said as he proceeded to run to her aid and helped her get back up. "You good?" He asked the wolf. "I... it's seems I wasn't worthy" Quinn told Dylan and the others while looking at the sword. "No. That can't be, you're the dragon princess. The most bravest and strongest person we could ever know, who else would it be?" Dylan wonders as he then sees his group stare back at him with a surprised look on their faces.

"Wait. Why are you guys looking at me like that?" Dylan asked them before turning back to Quinn who also looked at him with a surprised expression. "Dylan... It's you. You are the one who needs to try and pull out the sword" Quinn told him.

"Huh? Me? I... can't, what if just like you all I'm not worthy enough either" Dylan responded with doubt in his mind. "Dylan, don't forget what you said earlier about giving it a chance. I know the other outcomes didn't work but that doesn't mean you can't try... please Dylan, there isn't much time left for my family and my kingdom" Quinn pleated.

"The Princess is right bro. There's no reason not to try, we believe in you" Dolly said, adding her words into the conversation. Dylan thought for a moment but it didn't last long as his face became a look of determination and so he went over to the sword, placing his two paws onto both of the sides before taking a deep breath.

"One shot, one opportunity" Dylan said to himself as he began to pull the sword in the stone upwards. Everyone then gazed and watched Dylan as the sword began to rise up from the stone, even higher then when Quinn tried to pull it out until the sword with one final pull from the brave knight emerged out of the stone to which Dylan held it up into the air with the sun shining around him.

"My dog, he did it!" Dawkins yelled out with excitement. "The sword has been reborn" Quinn commented as well. "I can't believe it. I'm the chosen one!" Dylan said, heavily excited. However as he put the sword down, his ears suddenly heard wedding bells dinging. This made his face turn serious as he looked back at his crew.

"Everybody. I think it's time to head back to the kingdom" Dylan told them with a serious sounding voice. "Yeah but... it's another hour to get back to where we were, how are we going to get faster?" Da Vinci asked when randomly the ground began to shake violently as the four saw straight ahead, something that would make their mouths drop. "What? What is... it?" Dylan asked to which he and Quinn turned around and saw a huge red dragon standing on top of a cliff.

"No way

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"No way. It's... a real Dragon!" Quinn said in shock while Dylan's mind suddenly came up with an idea.

"Oh my dog. This changes... everything"

Dylan and the Dragon PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now