This close up and out of his mind he was scaring me, my legs were shaking and I kept myself from looking away.

I had to look at him, face him and his beast.

"They hurt you," he repeated as he cupped my cheeks carefully.

His touch was so gentle, as if he was afraid I would break like a fragile vase in his hold.

"I'm fine," I forced a smile.

"You're not," he gritted, his jaw clenching with anger. "Your mind and eyes are giving away the hurt you're feeling."

I sucked in my bottom lip and nibbled at it, keeping it from visibly quivering.

Colt wiped my tears with his thumbs, quietly shushing me while caressing my cheeks with his fingers.

My eyes trailed down to his bare chest, the left side of it.

His heart.

Without thinking twice about it I placed my hand on his chest, where his heart is.

Ever so slowly beating against the palm of my hand.

"I'll never let anyone hurt you ever again, you hear me?" Colt tilted my head to look at him.

"I promise you."

To seal his promise he kissed my forehead.

I shut my eyes at his action and kept them closed as I got my voice back;

"I though vampires had no heart beat. Why am I able to feel yours even the slightest?"

A low chuckle came from his lips.

"My love for you keeps it going, beloved."


The way that word rolled off his tongue made my skin tingle with delight.

It held so much power and promise to it.

That word alone made my heart skip a beat, and it almost made me giggle like a little school girl in love.


"Morning beautiful," Colt mumbled against my shoulder.

Somehow during the night my top had slid off and my sweatpants too, which means I'm only in my underwear.

Black lace.

I don't regret that decision though.

My back was facing upwards and I was hugging one of the pillows beneath me.

Colt's cold fingers traced the scars on my back, every single line that was visible.

Even though his fingers were ice cold, they left a burning sensation on bare flesh.

"You're up early," I muttered into my pillows.

Earning a low laugh from him and his arm tightly wrapped around my waist, bringing me close to his chest.

His naked chest may I add.

"I'm a vampire, I don't sleep remember. I can rest, but I don't sleep like you do."

I slipped my hand down the side of his body to his hip, purposely poking my fingers inside the waistband of his boxers for a brief second.

Before continuing my journey down to his muscular thigh, feeling every inch of him tense under my palm.

A Vampire's Pet #1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu