A full pile in my hand, soft and waxy, a bit similar to the touch of a ghost, but not so Q-bomb. Zhou Zhou grabbed the corner of the handkerchief with his other hand and twitched it, and the contents inside immediately appeared in front of everyone.

"Wow." A group of players exclaimed, and even Zhou Zhou couldn't help but widen his eyes.

After removing the handkerchief, he found an octopus in his hand. The whole body of the octopus was pink, and a pair of big eyes that were beyond the proportion of an ordinary octopus were black and moist. It was simply a cute Q version of a small octopus picked out of a cartoon. It feels icy and cool to the touch, not at all greasy like octopus, but very dry.

"When did an octopus crawl into the boat? It looks pretty cute."

"Such a small one is probably a cub."

"What kind of species is this?"

Several big men commented on the little octopus one after another. There was nothing to do on the boat, but the octopus caught by Zhou Zhou became the center of everyone's topic.

Zhou Zhou held the octopus while holding a handkerchief in one hand to look carefully. It's so strange, why this handkerchief can be touched, he and Al also said in the lounge, according to common sense, the handkerchief should also become an existence that players cannot touch together with cigars and lighters, but the handkerchief is the same as before. get.

Why did the little octopus run away with the handkerchief? Did it use the handkerchief as its nest?

The players were still discussing this super handsome little octopus, until a certain player suddenly said a word, which caused everyone's discussion to go astray.

"It looks so good, maybe it's also delicious."


"Octopus is really delicious when grilled, but this one is so small, it's not even enough to fit between the teeth." "

Stir-fried is delicious, this one Although the octopus is small in size, it is fat, and it can be cut into a small plate." "

By the way, I almost forgot, I bought some props and seasonings in the store before, and although I don't have a pot, I might be able to grill it on the boat. "

Hahaha, what are you doing with the seasoning in the dungeon? You really need to eat it. I guess one bite is not enough for everyone." "

Anyway, I have nothing to do

when I'm idle ." A way to eat, a player listened to everyone's discussion, and swallowed with a slobber.

Zhou Zhou didn't know why everyone's topic changed so quickly, he grabbed the octopus and blinked blankly.

This little octopus has a round head, short and fat tentacles, and looks very cute in pink.

After struggling for a while, he found that he couldn't struggle at all, and blinked his big eyes in Zhou Zhou's hands as if resigned to his fate, and stopped moving.

But when the topic of the players gradually shifted to the most reasonable way to cut it so that everyone can share a bite, the little octopus's big eyes were filled with tears, and it suddenly raised its head.

Then he sprayed a mouthful of red ink at the players who were discussing happily.

Players: "..."

Even Zhou Zhou was not spared, his face was splashed with ink, and the faces of the others were blood red.

When more bored players gathered around, they were even more surprised to find this group of players covered in blood, thinking they had been attacked.

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