CHAPTER 6: The Last Goodbye

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As soon as all is over, the sun goes down and the moon rises with the stars shining brightly in the dark sky. That night, I was standing at the window hoping to see Jonathen. A cold breeze touched my shoulder and I turned around. It was Jonathen standing in front of me with his hands buried in his pocket. He approached me with a smile and his cherry lips moved. "Thank you Cahya", he said softly. "Why are you saying it as if it's a goodbye?" I asked in a soft tone. He chuckled. He then gently brushes my hair and rubs my cheek softly with his cold pale fingers. "I've been struggling to move on to the afterlife for years and I've been desperately waiting to be released from this pain, being stuck in between the two realms. And then you showed up, you helped me and now even knowing the unbearable pain I'd suffer if I stay here, I'd still want to be here... with you...But that can never happen, we know it is not good for the dead to linger around the living and so I need to leave". He said with his eyes teary trying to hold in his tears.

"Please stay Jonathen, I don't want to lose you, even if you want to leave then take me with you and I wanted to be with you, together forever "I pleaded. He gave a chuckle. "It's not your time love, but I have to leave". He pressed his icy perfect lips against my wasted cheek as he pulled my hips closer to his and then he let go of his grip. He then handed me a book. "Here, take this, it's my diary. I felt that you should have it. After all it's now settled, I might not come back so I don't want you to feel lonely again. I'll be with you always, I promise". I wasn't ready to let him go but I had no choice. He gave his last look at me with a smile at the corner of his lips and slowly vanished into the air and nowhere to be found again. I fell to the ground and cried out loud. I realized that I had fallen in love with him so much that I couldn't accept his departure.

 Two days later, there was still no sign of him and it was time to go back home. The next morning Dad yelled my name loudly "Cahya, have you packed your things?" I heard him but I was still sitting on my bed hoping to see Jonathen for the last time. I know he's still here somewhere in the room and looking at me but he didn't want to reveal himself. "Will you show yourself for one last time?" No answer. Just then, Brody enters, "Good morning Cahya, let me take this". He stepped out of the room and then came back again. "Hey, I know I've done something really bad, and it's unforgivable. I was in pain after all these years. I come here every day to clean this room and all I could smell is his blood and his blood stained the floor even though I wash it every day. But after all these years I felt the burden on my shoulder is set down for real good. Thanks to you, after all, it's all destined to happen this way I guess"; he chuckled.

 I smiled with my heart still aching to see him for one last time. "Your father is waiting for you, it's better to not let him wait ″. He winked, while he took my luggage and left the room. I stood up and walked towards the window, a gentle breeze brushing my shoulder, with a heart full of excitement, I turned around. I saw Jonathen standing right in front, but he looked different, he was as white as snow, with cherry red lips, and his uniform sparkles which were unusual. He sensed my distress as he wrapped his encouraging arm around my waist, and kissed my forehead. His eyes capture me, I've never felt so loved after my mom left me. Tears rolled down my cheeks. He smiled, and then he wiped my tears. "It's time. "Remember who you are, you're the light in the darkness, just as your name, Cahya. I'll be with you always in your heart and in your mind. Goodbye, Love". 

He slowly pressed his lips against mine and then I felt that the grip slowly loosen. And he then dispersed slowly. With a heavy heart and tears in my eyes, I took his diary and left the place without a second glance. I know that I'll not see him again but I was very sure that I am not alone anymore. I never felt depressed or abandoned because I can still feel Jonathen's presence accompanying me just like Mom used to. It is destined that we should meet, and also our detachment. Many have seen the pain, chosen a different road to avoid the destiny that was destined for them thinking they can really avoid it, and even have struggled to choose the right route to reach the peak of happiness but not everyone will have an amazing destiny written. It sometimes has to be a goodbye from the loved ones. Most likely many will lose themselves to the darkness but I will always be the light in the darkness as they call me Cahya and it is my road of destiny, it's all meant to be.




This story is about how we embrace our past and move on as we have a lifetime to reach the destiny that has been destined for us. Some might have done something really bad, and some have lost a lot in their could be someone we loved ..but still, life has to go on. Happiness, sorrow, tears, and pain are all part of our lives. Embrace it no matter how bad it is, in the end you only have yourself. 

Here's a song for you by my favorite idols (ps: 7 normal boys from korea). 

Thank you for reading..

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