7: Smile?

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I sighed.

I've been sighing way too much ever since I got Class Officer. My body was sore after all the diving we did yesterday, having three idiots falling on top of your body wasn't a good idea after all. The good thing was, Coach Yoo, cancelled practices today because he had to go and meet Coach Hwang. Hanbin and I offered to join him but he declined, saying that it was for personal matters. Coach Yoo will forever confuse me.

"Sports day is starting soon," I announced, watching Haruto handing out the list of sports and activities that were given this year. "This time the student council decided to separate the four classes into two, Class 1 and 3 and Class 2 and 4"

The collective groans made me roll my eyes at them. Of course, they'd want to team up with Class 3 instead of the Languages kids, if we did, none of them would participate in the event. I was pretty sure the AP class would be the same, Class 1 aka Career and Tech had the reputation of not participating in school events because they need to be focusing on their school work than useless class activities. Little did they know, everything was going to change for them.

"If you guys want to complain, go and send a document with proof on why you want to change teams to Keita," I said nonchalantly, "The template is behind the papers by the way"

Everybody turned their papers back to see the clear format of the student complaint application, a little taste of what they did last year for complaining about some seniors for participating in everything.

I wrote the events on the board and tapped my chalk against it to gain their attention. "You guys know the drill. Two people per event and only two events max. If the same person participates in three events, the class is going to be disqualified, go it?"

The class agreed, seemingly living up after seeing the rules in the back of the drafts. The final rule, all classes need to participate in all the events or not 2 positions will be moved down from section rank was directly implied towards Class 1. Guess who suggested the rule.

I heard heavy footsteps coming from outside and the door slammed open, Seoyoung, the vice president from Class 1 and her petite secretary stood in front of my class door. I've seen her before, the little nerd that I met during the first year in Highschool when we both got lost. She wasn't much of a talker as I could remember, her round glasses framed half of her face and her little mushroom-like hair bobbed whenever she moves. It was an adorable sight, to be honest, but not the sight of Seoyoung's glare.

I smiled weakly at them and returned to the class, "Who wants to do the relay? Seungeon, you wanna go again this year?"

Seungeon looked at me and then at the door and then back at me, trying to warn me about something. "Uh...yeah, I guess?"

"Han Yejin!"

"I'm in the middle of something?" I waved my hand at them dismissively. "If you wanna know about the final rule, it's Park Gunwook. Not me—well, partially I was there but—"

"I know it's you two!" She shouted, huffing as she shoved the papers into my face, "When did you guys decide this stuff without me?"

"Uh..." Haruto and I shared a glance as the boy whispered, "You were there, Seoyoung. You agreed with Gunwook when he told about how classes don't participate in activities"

Her face fell to the ground, the anger seeping in more. "I meant for actual school events, like exhibitions and all. Not—Not this!"

"Well, for your information," I crossed my arms, "It's an actual school event. We have this all the time and the only thing Class 1 has been doing is not joining the event. We have to do something about it, right?"

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