FOUR. never have i ever... had the shortest relationship of my life

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As their fervent exploration momentarily subsided, Nick's smile shone with a mixture of desire and tenderness. Sensing the need for a change in position, he sat up, gently guiding Kalani to join him, their bodies now upright, a pulsating energy enveloping the room.

A flicker of anticipation danced in Kalani's eyes as her hands instinctively gripped the edges of her shirt. With a confident ease, she pulled the fabric over her head, revealing her radiant form to Nick, who mirrored her actions, shedding his own clothing.

Their lips met once again, a passionate collision. Nick's hands, now free from the constraints of clothing, roamed with purpose, exploring every inch of Kalani's exposed skin.

But to make a very long story short... that was great ass sex.

IT WAS finally time for the college fair. This would be the time for Kalani to show these schools that she was that birth and not accepting her would be a big mistake.

She walked into the school, her hair cascading down her back, and her blue blazer top that made her stand out in the crowd.

If anything, Kalani was going to make this day her bitch.

"All right, gals, it's game time." Devi smiled, "Let's get into that college fair. But first, how do I look? Can you see this concealer blob is hiding a hickey?"

"Nope, you look extremely profesh." Eleanor reassured, "Like a person who signs people up for credit cards at the airport."

Devi smiled, "Thank you. Ms. Warner said I couldn't do it all. I can be both sexy and successful."

"Why would she think that?" Kalani asked.

"She just thinks that Ethan's bad for me."

The trio of friends nodded, agreeing with Ms. Warner.

"It's like in GTA when you think you can run across the street fast enough and get hit by a car and start flying in the air and become a four star criminal." Kalani smiled, "It all happens so fast."

"W-W-W-Wait, you guys agree with her? But, Eleanor, you had a crush on him too and you're dating his best friend."

"Yeah. 'Cause he's hot. But I wouldn't trust him with my social security number."

"Lani?" Devi called.

"I like my boyfriend... but I'm not gonna let him ruin college for me. If this relationship starts to jeopardize my college and personal... I'm done." Kalani said, "I also wouldn't trust him with my social security number. He doesn't even know my phone password."

"Whoa, you guys are all wrong. He's just misunderstood."

Fabiola scoffed, "Yeah, by you."

"We get it. You're having your sensual hornissance. We love that." Eleanor smile.

"When the sex haze wears off, we will be here to help you flush that turd." Fabiola added.

"Okay, you know what, guys?" Devi smiled, "Really boy enjoying this conversation. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go practice my spiel."

Devi left her friends sides and the group soon disbanded as they made their way to respective tables.

Kalani had received enough news and hopefully made a big impression on the representative from Brown.

She soon approached her locker, she felt pretty damn good about how today when and she could only hope for that continue.

But there stood Ben, rummaging through a duffel bag and a yellow stain on her shirt, a large stain at that.

✓ boyfriend ミ ben grossKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat