THREE. never have i ever... kissed my ex

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KALANI WANG finally felt some sort of peace in her life

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KALANI WANG finally felt some sort of peace in her life. She was calm, cool, and collected.

At least, that's what she told herself in the mirror at night.

After finding out that Ben had received her for their match making quiz... well it was all she could think about.

She needed... according to Eleanor, kiss someone.

In order to get over someone, you needed to kiss someone. And it lowkey made sense.

Kalani hadn't kissed anyone since Ben and maybe, just maybe if she could find someone to kiss she would be over him.

Eleanor had invited the girls to an event at the coffeehouse where they could all (expect Eleanor) would be kissing someone in order to get over the person they needed to be over.

There was a mission at hand and Kalani knew what she had to do. She had to kiss someone. She had to do it naturally... but of course, there was a catch.

She had to work the event tonight.

Kalani stood by the table as Jacob scouted an audience for Kalani.

"Gonna be honest here, Lani Wang. There aren't many kissable guys here for you."

"How do you know that." She asked, smiling down at the group of boys and placed their coffees down.

"Because I know you." He scoffed, "You have a type."

"I do not."

"Lanky, white guys are your thing. I bet you've found me attractive before you knew me."

"Now that I know you, I almost want nothing to do with you." She smiled, "Isn't that crazy."

"All I'm saying, is that you don't wanna kiss just anyone. You wanna kiss Ben."

"I do not."

"Then why didn't you ask me? I would've kissed you no questions asked."

"Like you said, I have a type and tall white boys who play football aren't it."

✓ boyfriend ミ ben grossWhere stories live. Discover now