Other Cars And Competitors Part 1

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Mr. Grimm: Now to clarify beforehand, (Y/N) and Valentine can use these other cars but will more or less of the time stick with Sweet Tooth as their main vehicle. Also it'll be easier to have all the cars posted here instead either me or you guys having to go hunt them down on the wiki or something and trust me there are quite a lot of them.

 Also it'll be easier to have all the cars posted here instead either me or you guys having to go hunt them down on the wiki or something and trust me there are quite a lot of them

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Name: Roadkill 

Model: 1969 Chevrolet Camaro

License Plate: X-DAD76YSG1RL

Driver: Sweet Chick

Gunner: A Clown guy dressed in a worn out tank top, white pants with pink polka dots, and a clown mask with a long red nose.

Special Weapons: 

(For Sweet Chick only)

Boomerang Blast: Like father like daughter. Fires a special missile which acts like a boomerang and will eventually come back around to Roadkill if the attack misses. When the missile turns around and comes back, it will become empowered, dealing double or even triple the damage on direct hits.

(For everyone including Sweet Chick)

Chain Gun: The gunner will have access to a M134 minigun which can shred through enemy armor quickly or be used to finish weak opponents. 

Blood Missiles: a volley of homing missiles that will relentlessly chase down an opponent.

Drop Mines: Pop the trunk open and release four Death Balls behind the vehicle and will act like mines.

Name: Shadow

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Name: Shadow

Model: Hearse 1960 Edsel Villager

License Plate: KREMAYTU 

Driver: Mortimer

Gunner: A Zombie

Special Weapons: 

(For Mortimer only)

Raven: Mortimer releases his pet raven onto the battlefield to venture out for a random target. Upon finding it's chosen target, the raven will circle above the car for the remaining duration of the special or until either the driver or gunner use a sidearm to shoot it down. Do note: the unfortunate target to which the raven selects will suffer from a weakening effect for as long as the raven is flying around it. Also, if Mortimer is in desperate need for more on board weaponry (not including sidearms), he can send his raven out to retrieve a powerup and possibly deny his opponents the powerup. 

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