The most common was, if the 'criminal' was a female, being deprived of sight or tongue and sold as a breeder to other tribes, while killing all her males to take away all her 'power' and make sure that no one tries to save her.

They knew that most likely they would die, they knew for a long time that sooner or later their female would lead them to this and they had already accepted it for a long time.

Their only regret was leaving their little cubs alone and defenceless: no one would ever take care of a criminal's children and they were too young to survive alone; leaving them now would have been like condemning them to death.

Their sorrowful thoughts were interrupted by several very familiar shrieks:

Y:"Don't touch me!! Don't allow yourself to touch me!!!!!!Where are you taking me!?"

Screamed the lion female, squirming while two guards dragged her who knows where.

Guard:"Shut up! We are taking you where criminals like you deserve to be, in prison. There you will wait to hear the kings decision on your sentence."


Rosa was observing the scene with disbelief and anger: after all she had caused, Yui had the courage (or the foolishness) to give all the fault to her!
At the beginning the female tiger thought that the other female's behavior was due to her being spoiled, but now Rosa realized that maybe Yui was just stupid.

The young tiger took a deep breath trying to calm herself, that was not the right moment to be angry, Saika's wellbeing was much more important.

R:"It's better if we go somewhere else to treat the wounds. Maybe your place, doctor...? "

H:"Harvey, princess. My name is Harvey and yes, I was about to propose it.

The plaza is too chaotic and the patient can't be at ease here. Stress can further aggravate her health"

Rosa froze slightly hearing this.

So it was because of this that he looked so familiar. He was Harvey, the angel-like doctor that any reader would have payed to be treated by him.

One of the kindest in the novel, his good nature and smile made anyone heart ache for his lonely fate.

The original author must be real dumb, worst of Qingqing maybe, to give Parker a mate (THAT PSYCHOPATH WHO WANTED TO SCAR THE FACE OF THE FEMALE HE LIKED) but not to Harvey.

The thought made Rosa grimace a little.

Maybe she could do something to change this..., she could try but the power of the plot was strong so she didn't know if her action really could change his fate.

Out of the corner of her eye Rosa saw Saika: her face was still a little pale, but much better than before; she was clinging with her little hand to Harvey's clothes as to have some sort of comfort, while looking at him with big teared eyes. The blond male noticed the lion female's expression and immediately tried to comfort her with gentle and kind words, assuring her with all his might.

Maybe he was doing this only thinking of her as a patient but Rosa noticed how Saika's eyes slightly widened and her cheeks dusted with blush. She could swore that she even heard her friend's heart start beating faster.

Rosa smiled softly at the scene, her dear friend developed her first crush and she was happy for her.

The tiger princess sighed.

Well, it was a sign that she absolutely needed to change the male's fate.



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Sorry guys, I'm writing a lot of chapters "pre-Qingqing story" while surely most of you just want Qingqing now to see their interactions.
I have sooo many other chapters to write before Qingqing's arrive (at least 10 or more) so be patient pls.

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