Extra 1A

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Newt and I walked through the doorway as I looked around worried. It was definitely the Undercroft. The air was cold and still.

Newt turned around and looked at Tina. "You should wait there just in case. Ava and I have this."

Tina nodded as the door suddenly shut making newt and I jump. "Oh fuck."

"Ava, will we be able to get back?"

I shrugged, "probably."

We exited the undercroft as the sound of students chatting and going to classes bounced off the walls.

"This is a bit unnerving..." I mumbled as I felt extremely out of place. Students slightly side eyed me as they walked by.

"Ava?" Ominis voice gave me some relief. He had gotten so much taller and his features looked more defined and mature.

"Ominis!" He hurried up to me with his wand guiding him before he hugged me tightly. It was definitely new getting a hug from him.

"Ava I thought you were dead!"

"Dead? Of course not."

"Well after you went missing and then Sebastian escaped Azkaban I was sure he had gotten to you."

I pulled back from him looking a bit confused. "What do you mean escaped?"

"Is someone here with you?" He asked.

"Yes, a friend of mine. I've been in a really hard to explain place. His name is Newt."

"It's good to meet you Newt. But you two should follow me back into the undercroft. I was on my way to meet Poppy here before we went to lunch anyway."

"Poppy Sweeting? Gosh, I miss her."

Ominis took my hand and lead me into the undercroft with Newt close behind. Once we were in I tried to talk but Ominis shushed me. Before I could call him ride the door opened again and Poppy skipped in before stopping dead in her tracks when she saw me.

Her hair had gotten longer and she definitely looked older. A small gasp escaped her lips before she ran over to me and pulled me into a tight hug. "Merlin's beard! Ava La Fey! You're alive!"

"Everyone keeps saying that." I teased.

"It's because we are genuinely shocked." Ominis said as he waved his wand and a type of charm surrounded the room. "There just so he can't come in if he's here."

"Who, Ominis?"

"Sebastian," poppy answered.

"Sebastian? Sebastian sallow? Why on earth would you ever keep him out of the undercroft?"

Ominis sighed and let his head droop towards the floor. "He went to Azkaban and he escaped. And since he escaped he's been getting revenge."


"Yes, against anyone who had a hand in sending him to Azkaban."  Ominis sat on a couch we had put in the undercroft during our fifth year and sighed. "He killed Anne. He's been trying to kill me and Poppy. And he's also looking for you, Ava."

"What?" The flash back to our first accidental kiss on the beach and all the few sweet moments between us our fifth year raced and replayed in my mind. "That can't be possible... he and I..."

"I know, Ava." Ominis's head turned towards my direction with a sad expression. "But he said it himself. He won't rest until you, specifically, are dead."

The door opened again making everyone jump and reach for their wands. I was extremely shocked with who I saw.


Overtaken, book 1Where stories live. Discover now