"Oh my!" Y/N gasped, quickly putting her right hand on her mouth. Inside lay a emereland green bracelet.

"Wow! Now THAT'S what you gift your girlfriend. Cedric knows his stuff."

Y/N carefully took it out of its box; she handled the bracellet like it was made of glass and could break at any moment. Evie helped her put it on. It glowed the moment it was secured and changed color: from and emerald green to yellow. She smiled, admiring it for minutes on end.

"Now, now, lovergirl. You have more presents to open. Come on." she took Y/N by the wrist and gently tugged. Y.N got the message and went to open her gifts.

She got more makeup, perfumes and clothes from her mother (and father, based on what was written on the note, though Y/N doubted that), weird jellys from George and Fred, some books from the Gryffindor trio, which she found cute (and knew it was Hermione's idea) and some actually good candy from Draco.

"This is my present for you." Evie murmured as she handed her the gift. "Compared to your stunning jewelry that you gifted me, it's nothing."

"Oh, don't say that, love." she smiled and took the box. She opened it and hugged her friend. It was a handmade jewelry set. 

"It's not the best as I have just picked up this hobby-"

"Evie. I love it. Thank you. Truly." she gave her a big smile to calm her down. "I'm gonna wear it to breakfast." she said and quickly put on the necklace, bracelet and ring.

"Speaking of breakfast, we should go." Evie laughed and Y/N went to get changed.

Twenty minutes later, they found themselves in the almost empty hall.

"Wanna join the Gryffindors?" Y/N asked, to which Evie nodded.

"Merry Christmas, everyone!" greeted the two, as they sat down.

"Merry Christmas!" they all said at the same time, a few seconds later, after realising, they laughed.

Cedric also joined them later on, sitting next to Y/N, hand around her waist.

"So you like my gift?" he asked.

Turning to him, she answered "Like is an understatement. I LOVE it!" she gave him a quick peck.

"Happy you like it, darling. Also, thanks for the Broomstick Servicing Kit. REALLY needed it after your lessons. You wrecked my poor broom." he said in a dramatic tone.

She laughed, lightly punching his arm. "Oh, you. Stop the bull-"

"By the way, you free tonight?"

"I don't know."

He gave her a confused look.

"Uh... Girl things." she gave him an uneasy smile. "Sorry. But if I am, I will let ya know through one of the other Hufflepuffs."


For the next hour, they kept talking. More and more left as time went on. After Cedric's departure, Y/N and the three 2nd years were left alone.

When she wanted to leave, Ron tugged at Y/N's shirt. "Y/N, stay for a moment. Update."

"Oh." she quickly sat back down. "Is it done?"

"Almost; we still need some from Crabbe and Goyle. Also we're thinking of executing our plan tonight."

"Okay. Do you need me for anything besides entering?"

"Why? Got plans with Ced- OW!" Hermione pinched Ron hard.

Y/N laughed. "I mean, maybe. He asked if I were free tonight and said that I'm not really sure."

𝑴𝒓 𝑯𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒍𝒆𝒑𝒖𝒇𝒇 | Y/N x Cedric DiggoryWhere stories live. Discover now