But to her luck he was not. Yet that didn't stop her from thinking about him. Especially due to what he had just done.

Why did he lie to his ally and pretend to not see her? But mainly, why did he not kill her?

Falling into deep thought she re-winded what had just occurred. How she ran into the toilet and shut the door.

At that moment, when she knew that they were about to enter, her mind fell a blank. She had no thoughts running. Her limbs moved to their free will and before she knew it, Joo ri was in the cubical.

She wanted to lock it. However, it was better that she didn't. It would've made it more suspicious. Then again, she couldn't anyway because before she even came to a conclusion as to what to do there were footsteps. And if she did then the sound of the lock would've caught their attention. Therefore, all Joo ri could do was hope that he wouldn't check the cubicle.

But he did.

He opened her door whilst aiming the gun right to her forehead. There she sat on the lid. Hands clasped over her mouth to keep her voice from escaping, her lost orbs stared back into his soulless ones.

He was just a guy.

Barely that old and probably around her age. However, that was the last thing she cared about. Joo ri was sure that she was going to die right there as soon as she spotted the gun ever so close to her.

She physically felt her heart pounding against her chest. Her insides screaming in fear. The sweat built up along her palms and forehead. Her tears failed to stay put no matter how strenuous she tried to not let them out. They just rolled down her rosy cheeks. It was a give in. She was going to die right there.

But Joo ri wasn't pleased. She always imagined how death might meet her. Through illness or an accident. She wished to have a peaceful one. Whilst sleeping. Her grandmother had always said that if you die in your sleep, angels will carry you to heaven.

Guess that wasn't going to happen to her.

Never did she anticipate it to be while sitting on a toilet seat. How tragic. Many thoughts burst into her mind. People always say that your life flashes before your eyes during the last 30 seconds before your heart stops beating.

At that moment she heard another voice. His alliance she presumed. Hyperventilating she firmly pressed her lips together to not let out a single breath.

Letting go of her palms off her mouth she smacked them together and rested them on her lap. Shutting her eyes she prophesied for her life to play in front of her. Trembling, Joo ri still listened to their conversation. Waiting for him to answer the other man. Astonishingly, his answer was not matching with the one she foreseed.

As soon as the lie left his lips, Joo ri shot her eyes open and looked over to the guy in front of her.

She did not understand. He let her live. Running her hand through her hair she shook her head to stop thinking about it and came back to reality. Instead she focused on the task in hand. She had to get out.

Looking back at the open window she climbed onto the counter again and sat at the ledge. Peeking outside, she faced the ground to see that Eun tak had disappeared. Eyes widening, Joo ri panicked when not being able to spot the older girl.

Where's she gone? 

She questioned herself as she threw her legs out the ledge. Facing the floor Joo ri training her sight at the distance. She was freaking out. She's never jumped from such a height and now Eun tak wasn't even there to help. Gulping hard down her dried throat, she tightly shut her eyes and leaned forward. At that exact moment, Joo ri began to regret not listening to Eun tak before. She really should've just jumped when the older girl reassured that she'd be there to catch her. Now she had to deal with it all alone. However, with a few seconds of courage building up in her, Joo ri eventually let go of the edges. She could feel the gravity taking her down at high speed.

A thud resonated through her ears along with excruciating pain over the front of her whole body and right cheek. Wincing, she lifted her chin off the ground as her palms pushed against the dirt to sit up on her knees. Glancing down at her soiled hands, Joo ri let out a cry. Sulking, she scanned the area to still not be able to see the older girl anywhere.

She didn't know what to do. She didn't know where to go. Terrible thoughts began to surface in her mind. 

What if she ran away and they killed her? 

What if she ditched me to save herself? 

What if she's been kidnapped?

Holding in her tears, Joo ri slowly stood up and carefully listened out for any sounds. And it was not long till she was able to make out something arising from the distance. The sound of the wailing police vehicles coming in. 


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