Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 4

Start from the beginning

As Bara comes to his ship, he stops himself and hovers in the air for a moment. He removes his double bladed staff and begins to spin it over his head, smiling sadistically. After a few seconds, his staff rotates so fast that it cannot be seen. Only the violent crackling sound of displaced air can be heard, as a ferocious wind blows over the ship. "And now, wind haki--MICRO BUSRT!" Bara pulls his spinning staff down through the air, sending a giant deadly hammer of wind straight through the center of the deck. The force is so strong, instead of bursting pieces outward, the entire ship is forced under the waves and swallowed by the ocean.     

"Whoa--so strong!" Luffy exclaims, delightfully watching the madness unfold. Nami and Robin look on, wide eyed. 

The three captains return to the ship and land gracefully next to Luffy. 

"How'd you like that?" Bara asks proudly.

Luffy smiles. "That was awesome! What kind of power was that?"

"We've all mastered elemental haki." Tiff responds, clenching her burning fist.

Tydal steps forward. "We all trained ourselves to master an element. Water for me, fire for Tiff, and wind for Bara. Now you can see how our training paid off!"

Nami agrees. "I'll say! That was some serious power!" Then she realizes something. "But wait--what happened to Chong?"

Tydal looks over the side. "Oh, he's still down there. So lazy!" He calls to him. 

"What do you mean?" Nami gazes down, where she sees Chong calmly standing on the front deck of one of the ships, puffing his cigar. "What the hell is he doing?!"

Robin comes beside her. "He's going to get himself killed!" 

Luffy swings his arms in circles, warming up again. "Don't worry, I'll get him!"

Tiff holds her arm out to stop him and smiles. "Just wait."

"Huh?" Luffy wonders.

As the group watches Chong, they can see the sailors gathering around him, with guns drawn. But Chong remains still. The crewman waste no time and call out orders to open fire. Nami gasps, unable to turn her frightened eyes away from the certain carnage. But to the Straw Hat's surprise, each of the bullets passes directly through Chong.

"What the..." Luffy breaths. The captains grin confidently.

Chong then proceeds to walk down the deck of the boat as more bullets fly through him. The shocked sailors fumble their guns, trying to reload as quickly as they can. But as Chong passes them, the smoke from his cigar fills the air like a noxious gas. At first, it chokes the sailors, but after a quick coughing fit, each one begins to behave erratically, calling out with random expressions. "A giant seagull is chasing me! Yahhhh!" "Look at all the pretty colors!" "I am the lizard king!"   

The Straw Hats looks on in utter bewilderment, watching as the entire crew of the ship is overtaken by Chong's thick smoke, behaving as though they are hallucinating. "What in the world is going on?" Nami wonders.

Tydal laughs. "That's Chong's power! He ate the trip-trip fruit."

"The what now?"

"It's another version of the smoke fruit. This one causes enemies to hallucinate."

Luffy falls backward, laughing. "That's crazy!"

Tiff joins his laughter. "Not as crazy as you'll be if you ever cross him!"

Robin looks on in amazement. "How fascinating!"

When all the sailors have finally succumbed to Chong's bizarre ability--some even willfully throwing themselves overboard--Chong emerges onto the deck from the kitchen area, finishing a large piece of meat and licking his fingers. He jumps on top of a smoke cloud and rises into the air. When his is floating well above the ship once more, he looks down and takes a long drag from is cigar. "...Smoke Ring." He murmurs. 

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