"Something wrong, Darling?" He asked

"No...well." I started, looking down at my feet timidly. "I don't want to sound needy..." I say quietly.

"What is it that you want?" He asked, his voice had gone from slightly worried to relaxed in a blink of a eye.

"I-I umm..." I paused to think of a way to explain myself. "I want to sleep with you." I glanced up at him then down. "Like actually sleeping with you." I say, trying to be clear with what I wanted from him.

"So, you want to sleep with me?" He asked for clarification.

"Yes, b-but only if you want to." I respond, inwardly cursing my stutter.

"Alright" he paused "I'll meet you in your room after I clean up a bit." He said, motioning to his slightly sweaty body.

"Okay." I nodded, he kissed my forehead gently before leaving to go to the shower that connected to the gym. I walked back to my room slowly while he showered.


I was at the door to my room and something seemed off. I placed a hand on the doorknob and pressed my ear to the door. Someone was in there. I gnawed on my bottom lip, it was most likely Tony or Mike. But why would they be in there making such a ruckus?

I decided to take a risk and open the door slightly. I peaked into my room cautiously, my eyes widening as I saw a mysterious figure that did NOT look like Tony or Mike. The stranger was going through one of the bed-side drawers, probably looking for things to steal.

I closed the door quietly and then I quickly walked over to Mike and Tony's room. Which they were sharing with their newborn baby. I knocked three times and waited for one of the two to open the door.

"Kellin? What is it?" Tony asked groggily. He must have been asleep.

"Tony, there is a stranger in my room." I say quickly, moving some hair out of my eyes.

"Wait-What? Are you sure it's not Vic?" Tony asked.

"I just saw him in the gym room! This person doesn't even look like either one of you three." I say quickly, but quietly as my room was near their room.

"Hey, Mike!" Tony said, getting his partner's attention. Mike made a sound of annoyance before looking over at Tony.

"What is it?" He asked tiredly. The urgency in Tony's voice must have gotten Mike's attention.

"There is a person in Kellin's room."

"Really?" He asked, moving the blankets off of his tattooed body.

"Yes, there is. I wouldn't lie about something like this, Mike!" I say in defense.

Mike put on a pair of random pants and grabbed a object for defense before going past me and towards my room. I stood in the hallway and watched Mike while he approached my room. He placed his ear on my door just like I had earlier. He then slowly opened the door and went inside, leaving the door open slightly.

I sighed to myself, walking into Mike and Tony's room. Tony was sitting on the bed with Lucas in his arms, as the newborn had began to cry a little bit. Lucas probably needed a diaper change or was possibly hungry. I could hear a commotion coming from a few doors down, which made me walk back towards the hallway and peak out of the door.

My eyes widen slightly as I see Mike on top of a guy in the middle of the hallway. The two were cursing at each other and it was honestly starting to get violent. I pulled my head back into the room and sat next to Tony. A few moments later it got eerily quiet and I wondered what had happened between the two males to make them go that quiet.

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