17 ~ A Beautiful View

Start from the beginning

"Seems we've gotten ourselves into a familiar situation." Edmund said holding my waist perfectly.

He chuckled and pulled me closer. I could feel his warm breath on my smile, his eyes had such a miraculous twinkle to them, and his hair danced flawlessly in the gentle Narnian breeze. He gazed into my eyes so kindly, his smile was so warm, I felt at home.

"Yeah." I responded snaking my arms onto of his shoulders, my hands connecting behind his neck. "But this time, Peters not here to interrupt us..."

Warmth blossomed within my stomach, And I couldn't help but kiss him. His lips felt soft, velvety and as he smiled into the kiss my soul sparked with glee. I closed my eyes, infatuated in the moment. His hand roamed up my back as he attempted to press us closer. Kissing him made my mind go blank. I wanted to stand here forever, in his arms, kissing his lips. It was a perfect moment.

Much to our disliking our lips parted, as we took a much needed breath. His forehead fell gently upon mine and we stood like that, holding each other, smiling, for a while.

"If I didn't just make it obvious Amy," He begun to say lifting his head "I really, really like you" My smile widened and he spoke again. "And I'm assuming, the way you just kissed me means... You like me back?"

I giggled at his raised eyebrow and silly question.

"Of course I like you, Ed" I giggled gazing up at him. "I really, really like you." I continued, copying his confession which earnt a laugh. "Sorry if um," I paused and Edmund brows furrowed at my immediate apology "sorry If I was a bit bad Edmund, I've never done anything like that before."

He smiled at me for a moment then leaned in "you, were amazing. And, that was my first kiss too."

"What?! You, King Edmund of Narnia didn't kiss anyone during your fifteen years reign?" I asked attempting to conceal my glee.

"The Just." He sarcastically corrected me, as I widened my eyes in disbelief.

 "Its King Edmund The Just. Actually." He continued, with an entitled grin.

"For Aslans sake Ed" I rolled my eyes.

"Okay" he chuckled "I mean, I courted lots and lots of women but nothing lasted, none of them actually liked me." He looked rather melancholy for a moment. "You're different, you're actually interested in getting to know me, and I can talk to you so easily." He smiled. And I took hold of his hand.

We sat down on the branch, gazing out at the veiw with the fresh narnian wind brushing our faces lightly.

"I'm really glad you're here, you know?" He said quietly, rubbing his thumb softly in circles on the back of my hand.

In response I nestled my head onto his shoulder as we watched all of Narnia. "I never would have guessed that the cute boy behind me in English lessons was a king" I chuckled.

"I never would have guessed that the pretty girl in front of me in school was a living prophecy" He laughed in response.

Edmund continued to talk, meanwhile i had spotted something rather sinister and worrying emerging from the woods outside the telmarine castle "I told you, Narnia has a funny way of working things out" he recalled.

"Edmund!" I pressed my finger to his lips, a shocked expression befell him. "Look," I pointed. "the Telmarine army"

And we both watched in horror as thousands of armed  soldiers emerged from the wood surrounding the castle, and began to march in the direction of our base.

"We have to warn the others." Edmund said in a serious tone. "This is bad."

And I lowered us to the floor. quickly we mounted our horse and began to race back through the forest, over cackling creeks, atop of snapping sticks and through harsh, scraping nets of branches. 

Edmund was sat in front of me riding the horse faster than I thought possible, Meanwhile I was trying my hardest to grip onto him. Everything seemed to be against us, the wind smacked into our eyes as we rode causing tears to brim, blurring vision. It knifed at our knuckles giving Edmund great difficulty with the reins and causing me a struggle to hang on.

Eventually we made it safely to the mound and rode directly in on the steed, with no time to dismount. We flew through the corridors and torchlit passage ways into a battle planning room where we found Peter, Susan, Caspian and Lucy with a few centaurs and other Narnians.

"Peter!" Edmund began to shout out of breath.

"Woah hold your horses" Peter attempted to joke.

"There coming!" I said loudly, and Peters face dropped. All heads turned to look at us with a mix of worried, frightened and grave expressions.

"The Telmarines," Edmund continued my point "They found us"


A/N: Sorry I took a while to update, I was struggling to write the kissing scene because well ive never kissed anyone, so with a bit of reading romance novels and some googling I think it turned out okay? Let me know what you thought!

Thankyou so so much for reading I cannot believe we are almost at 1000 reads! I am genuinely so grateful to every single one of you <3

I have finished Exams and school now for the summer so Expect more frequent updates!! YAY! See you next chapter :)

She Who Has Received The Roar- Edmund Pevensie FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now