(Chapter 3)
New surroundings

"Normal" - regular human tongue
"Italics" - Language of the gods


Author POV

"Why did you bring us here?" Yoongi stepped in front directly facing whatever this Xuxaos creature was.

"Ah so it was you" Xuxaos rushed forward with inhumane speed, clutching Yoongi's hands.

Yoongi reared back at the unexpected contact. 

"Me what?" he looked at Xuxaos with sceptically. 

"The one who said the prayer" Xuxaos grinned.

Yoongi could feel the rest of the group's turn their gazes upon him at this revelation. He didn't realise that the pray would work, clearly it did and he had landed them all in this unknown place with a creature that seemed to have the power to answer prayers.

"I asked to get out of there, not to be brought here. Where ever here is" Yoongi gestured around to the woodland.

"Should have been more specific then darling" Xuxaos had moved to lean against a felled tree, inspecting their nails. 

"If you brought us here then you can send us back" Namjoon ever the negotiator took the leading role. 

"Well..." Xuxaos looked away sheepishly, rubbing at the back of his neck in an awkward manner.

"You can send us back right?" Jungkook sounded nervous.

"You prayed and I answered. I pulled you here" Xuxaos stated.

"But this isn't our world" Namjoon retorted.

"It isn't?" Xuxaos looked incredibly confused. "How do you know that, I could have just pulled you onto a different part of the world" 

"Because we don't have any flora or fauna like this in our world" Namjoon gestured around.

"Oh" Xuxaos looked stunned. "Give me a second" 

He looked to the sky and began to chant in a guttural language that was unknown to the rest of the group. Eventually his eyes briefly flashed and he was looking at them once more. 

"So what trouble have you gotten yourself into now Xuxaos?" Emteus remarked with amusement. They rounded the corner, their presence now known to the group.

The humans could only watch in fascination at this new being. They towered above them all even Xuxaos, a hulking form that moved fluidly, like they were unaware of their size. Despite their apparent size they walked silently over the forest floor, not disturbing a twig or leaf. 

"Apparently I pulled them from another world entirely" Xuxaos continued to converse in the foreign language. 

"Are you sure?" Emteus looked concerned. 

"Yes, plus look at their clothing it is far to different from the human of these lands or any lands we know of" Xuxaos gestured to the humans. 

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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