(Chapter 2)
Push and pull


Author POV

They had stumbled across it by accident.

But then they couldn't deny what happened next was entirely their fault.

Entering what seemed to be an abandoned temple in the middle of some woods was probably not the best idea they had ever had. It had just meant to be a camping trip, yet here they were.

"Look at these carvings they look so old" Namjoon marvelled at the designs, he always had an eye for art.

Taehyung was snapping photos on an old fashion camera he had bought for the trip, he stated that he wanted to have an old fashioned 'nostalgic vibe' for his photographs.

"Anyone else think this is a bad idea, if this place is really as old as Namjoon says it is, who knows whether it is safe" Jin pointed out.

"For once I am with Jin on this" Yoongi imputed.

But yet they still continued to follow the group farther inside the temple. They felt the responsibility to keep the group alive and well fell onto their shoulders as they were the two eldest of the group. 

The temple had a bizarre feel to it, the walls as Namjoon had observed were absolutely littered with runic symbols, most had eroded away due to the drops of water coming from outside the temple through the cracks that had formed in the roof. 

It felt like the temple was alive with some energy that they could feel yet not see and it was putting Jin and Yoongi on edge, but the others seemed to be ignoring it or they just didn't feel it at all.

"We really should go" Jin tried again.

"Look!" Namjoon's voice was full of awe, he rushed through was seemed to be a door in the stone. The group were quick to follow, Jin and Yoongi casting glances at each other before trailing behind. 


The room that greeted them was beyond beautiful. Someone had clearly spent a long time crafting it. The group could only stand their in awe. 

The walls were yet again sculpted into the rock, yet here instead of writing it was a mural of sorts. It depicted a young faced man who seemed to have shadows wrapped around his body. The detail in his face and the entirety of the mural showed of the sculptors devotion. 

Namjoon's hands came to trace that of the sculpted man, finger tips gently brushed over the face. 

"Who do you think this was?" he asked the group, his back still to them as he studied the sculpture. 

"Whatever this name is, it is carved into the stone here" Hoseok was crouched down.

"Xuxaos" Hoseok tilted his head to read the name.

Immediately it felt like the energy had increased tenfold in the room, now it wasn't just Jin and Yoongi who felt it, but the entire group.

"Do you think he was a god or something, one that was lost to time?" Taehyung asked.

"I don't know but he looks cool" Jungkook marvelled at the fight scene displayed in the mural. 

"Should we pray to him, it could be fun" Jungkook suggested, the mischievous light in his eyes was present, just like when he continuously got them into trouble.

"How about for a new camera" The group began to list off all the things they would pray to the god for, it got more and more ridiculous as they went on.

"Xuxaos I pray you take us away from here" Yoongi rubbed at his forehead and exasperated sigh escaping his lips, sick of hearing the others bicker.

But then the energy in the room began to increase, like a star that had erupted into a blackhole. Sucking in all that was around it. 


They landed hard on the ground.

"What just happened?" Jungkook sat up, leaves clinging to his shoulder length hair, that had once been in a bun but was now falling onto his shoulders free from the hair tie. 

"I don't know" Namjoon rubbed at the back of his head, looking dazed. 

Their surroundings were very much different from that of the temple they had been in moments before.

"Where do you think we are?" Taehyung asked, eyes squinting as he looked around the brightly lit clearing. 

"Well my phone is not working" Jin held up his phone, presumably he had tried to see if he could call for help. But the screen just wouldn't turn on, when the others tested theirs's as well it came out with the same outcome. 

The land that surrounded them appeared to be a woodland of sorts, the plants and trees had a different appearance about them. They were bright blue and quite bizarre to look upon. The blue leaves littered the floor, mixing with green and red leaves, ones they were currently brushing off their clothing.

There was nothing besides trees and general woodland around them for as far as their eyes could see. It was deadly silent too, nothing rustled in the undergrowth, not even a wind was detectible. It almost felt like the moment had been suspended in time, like they were the specimens painted in an artwork. Forever suspended in beautiful tones of warm coloured tones. 

"Not quite what I expected but decent" an unknown voice startled the group out of their confused musing. 

The group subconsciously bunched together before the man before them, afraid of the unknown. 

"Who are you?" Namjoon asked, distrusting eyes upon the man. Barely recognising that the rest of the group had come to crowd behind him as if he was the only one they trusted to protect them from this unknown.

"Interesting question." the man was graceful in the way he walked, until he stumbled over some of the undergrowth hidden by the multitude of colourful leaves.

"I recognise you" Jungkook leant over Namjoon's shoulder to point at the man "you're the one from the painting" 

Recognition lit up in all of their eyes as they now gazed upon the man before them. However the man merely furrowed his brow in confusion.

"Xuxaos" the man's head snapped up to look them in the eyes.

"So it would seem I don't need to introduce myself after all" the man, Xuxaos smiled.

"Why are we here?" Namjoon dared to ask this god?

"Because you prayed to me and I listened"


So they are now in the new world and have met Jimin. 

I hope you liked the chapter.




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