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Angel's pov:

"Thank you, this is very good" I smile at the woman and her child. People coming taking this sweets. "Delicious" the child then runs somewhere else. I'd try them, but I don't like sweet.

I wonder how Wednesday is doing, she's inside the ye olde fudgery, but seeing how people leave with an uncomfortable look on their faces, I bet she's just being her. I smile, she looks cute wearing this uniform. Obviously, she didn't wear it without sarcastic jokes.

"Check out this greedy little freak" I hear someone in the distance. Looking there I see three boys standing in front of Eugene. I frown, watching carefully.

"Please, I need to get back to the..." He starts, but stops and throws up. Oh Eugene, how many sweets did you eat ? As soon as the boy grabs him angrily, I leave my duty and goes to him. I recognize them as the boys Wednesday beat off at the Weathervane.

I quickly stop the stock from closing on Eugene. They look at me stunned and annoyed.

"Howdy Pilgrism" I force a smile. He tries to close the stock again, but my firm grip doesn't let him. "Let him go"

He looks me down. "You want to end up in the stocks too ? I remember you, where is your freak girlfriend ?" and I scoff amused.

"Remember what happened the last time you did this dance ?" The boy pauses before moving Eugene aside and deciding to fight. Now I'm okay and I don't risk to snap.

I let him put his hand on my shoulder, pushing me back, but I trip him easily. I look at him down smirking, my sister is way more skilled than him. "Get her" his friends shouts. He gets quickly up and throws me a punch, which I dodge by just lowering my head. In the distance I see Wednesday's figure approaching us fast. Even if I don't look at him, my senses catch his hand trying to throw another punch. I tighten my grip making him growl in pain and drag him to the stock, blocking him there. 

"You little bitch" I ignore the boy and turn at the other two. "I can't get into more trouble with my dad" they share a scared look and go away.

"Querida" Wednesday murmurs now near me. Her face blank but her eyes concerned. Hate in them as she looks at the blocked boy.

"Thank you Angel" Eugene looks down shy. I pat his shoulder. "Let's get you cleaned up" 

Wednesday leads us to a bench and we start cleaning him. "Thank you girls, no one ever stood up for me" his eyes shining with adoration.

"You said Hummers stick together" She mutters softly as she dabs his face. I can't help but smile, she cares about Eugene.

The three of us walk to the back door of the museum. We have a break and Wednesday decided it's time to investigate. 

"Give me your retainer" she demands. Eugene looks baffled "What ? why ? Your teeth are really good" I giggle as she rolls her eyes. "Hand it over !"

"What if Mistress Arlene catches us ?" he asks nervously. "Hive code, deny everything" she fiddles with the lock. I could break it, but it's better if it's completely intact.

"I'm pretty sure that's not hive code" I laugh and she seems to suppress a smile. "That's not hive code ! What's the big deal anyway ? The fudge is definitely the best thing about this place" he panics.

I put my hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down, but Wednesday takes my waist and drags me with her in the museum. "Stop talking and watch" she closes the door after warning him.

As soon as we are alone I look around the old room, but I feel her arms sneaking around my waist and her hot breath near my ear. My mouth part not expecting that out of nowhere. 

"I understand you know how to defend yourself, but I want you to know that if one of them ever gave you a small scratch I wouldn't have hesitated to make him regret it" Her voice hard and serious. I turn slightly to look at her and her intense and determinate eyes makes my knees weak. "Understood ?" I nod speechless. Her grip tightens a bit and she smirks. "Cara, use your words" It's me or it's so hot in here ? "Y-yes, understood" she nods now satisfied and with a last glance at my lips she lets me go. I take a deep breath.

Thing helps us too, and I must say the wax mannequin of Joseph Crackstone is really creepy. I can't help but stare at it. Wednesday goes to a hung picture of him standing in front of a large fire.

"The Old Meeting House, 1625" She then lets a small gasp slip. "Angel, Thing, this is the girl from my vision. She's even holding the same book. That black one she had outside Crackstone's crypt" I look at the girl she's pointing. She's blonde, her hair braided like Wednesday's. "She looks like you" Wednesday nods while walking at the leather book on display.

Me and Thing look as she opens it, eager to know something more. But disappointment came on us. "Great it's fake" she slams it angrily. I sigh, but before I can say something, an angry Mistress Arlene opens the door. 

"Just what the fudge are you doing in here, missies ?" she snaps noticing the open display. I smile nervous while Wednesday just looks at her blank. "Mistress Arlene. How now ?" 

"How now, indeed. I proclaimed the meeting house is under repair. I know thoustheard me" 

Eugene comes behind her. "I told her the door was unlocked and you guys were dying to learn more about Crackstone" "Yes, and this display case was already open" I try to ease the angry woman.

"Hold thy lying tongue" she says bitterly pointing at me and then looks at the book "That book is a replica"

"You don't say" Wednesday mocks.

"The original was stolen last month during the two o'clock witch trial" she explains.

"It was probably the only authentic thing you have in here, yet you still charge $29.95 a ticket ?" I nodge her. Arlene throwing her hands in the air fed up.

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