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"Ok, one more time" Ms. Moore says gesturing with her hands.

Angel smiles softly again and starts playing her favorite instrument. Without looking at the music sheets, she strokes the keys.

They have to play soon for the Poe Cup, and she likes this notes. Well, she loves everything that comes out from a piano.

Every time she plays, she is reminded of her father. How in the evenings he helped her improve, rejoicing every single time she succeeded, even if it was a little step.

"Okay ! It'll be perfect !" The teacher claps her hands and tells them that class is over.

Looking outside the classroom door, she freezes, not expecting to see the ever gorgeous Wednesday leaning against the wall. She didn't smell her blood, maybe because she was too lost playing.

Wednesday can't get out of her mind the image she just saw. The blonde was so breathtaking while doing what she loves.

Angel takes her backpack and goes to her, blushing because her intense gaze, even if her face is neutral.

"Hi... What are you doing here ?" she asks shyly. "Not that I don't want you here- well- it's not like I w-want you... it's like.... well I didn't expect you here" she bites her lip reddening.

Wednesday smirks, seeing her frustrated is so satisfying.

"Thing said that Rowan will leave soon and I know you finish your class now, so I came to take you with me" She asked Enid, threatening her that if she'll ever say something she will be tortured in her sleep.

The blonde's heart warms.

In the distance she notices Xavier coming through the hallway with a huge smile on his face, waving at her, but when he sees that Wednesday is there too, he stops and his smile fades.

Angel waves confused. He always comes to talk to her.

The gothic girl turns seeing her actions and when Xavier comes to her view she clenches her jaw. 

"Come on" her voice soft. She takes her backpack and involuntarily rests her cold hand on Angel's lower back. This time closer to her hip.

Angel shivers again and looking up she sees a different Wednesday... she seems to blush a bit.

Her fangs hurt again, but she smiles it off and follows the slightly taller girl. Happy to be near her.

While walking, a question runs through her mind.

"Wednesday" she murmurs.

"Yes, querida ?" she asks absentmindedly.

Angel doesn't know what that means, she'll ask later.

"Did you hear that strange noise too after lunch ? The glasses even cracked a bit"

"Rowan ! We need to talk !" shouts Wednesday.

Rowan turns annoyed.

"Wednesday, Angel, I'm not allowed to speak to anyone" he keeps putting his suitcases in the car, ignoring them.

"You had a lot to say when you tried to kill her"

Angel snaps beside her. A frown appears on her face remembering what he did to her. She eyes him carefully.

However something is strange... His blood... is different.

She sniffs a bit trying to understand and for a second Rowan gives her a scared look.

"Told me I was destined to destroy the school, remember ?" the raven girl continues eager to know the truth. "Where did you get that drawing ?"

"I just went to the woods to clear my head. Then you came after me" he hesitantly answers. Wednesday can tell he is lying.

"Girls !" a voice interrupts them. 

Ms. Tornhill shows herself. "You shouldn't be here" she side eyes them and seats.

"Yeah, back off and leave me alone" his voice clearly irritated.

Both girls watching the car going away.

"Well, that was fast. But something was strange" the blonde gives voice to her thoughts.

"What do you mean ?" she looks down at her. "His blood... It didn't smell like always"

Her eyebrows raise in surprise. How can it be possible ?

"Thing will be after him" her voice monotone. The blonde nods.

Suddenly Angel's small figure tense. Her face darkens and she growls a bit.

"Angel ?" Wednesday doesn't understand this change and she follows her gaze. 

At the beginning of the woods, in the distance, there is a girl leaning against a tree, smirking darkly at her. 

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