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"Do you have a little crush on Wednesday ?" Enid smirks elbowing her friend.

"ehm...no why... I mean... maybe a little... but... no I don't have a crush" rumbles.

Enid laughs. "You are all red, you have a crush" she puts her arm on her shoulders.

"Ok maybe, but you heard her, she wants to go home and she doesn't look like someone who wants to make friends..." Angel looks down sad. 

"Yeah I saw that. However I think that she is just shy and eventually she'll melt with us. Specially with you, she seems a bit interested" 

"What do you mean ?" hope starts to grew inside her.

Enid gaves her a worried look. "Well... she asked me what are you... what it's like being half vampire and half werewolf" 

"Oh" it's all she says. Of course. Everybody is interested in what she is...

"But I think it's her way to show interests, you saw her, she's different"

She is right. Wednesday is different. Angel can sense that, but maybe it's just an impression. Maybe her intense stare and her deep eyes don't cover the fact that she is  just like the others.

She sighs "It's okay, I don't care". But Enid knows that it's a lie.

"So, while we go to fencing class, let's talk about Ajax"


Everybody, except Angel, see Rowan losing against Bianca. She gets lost looking at Wednesday. Of course she doesn't have a white fencing uniform. It is total black and she must say that it suits her. The raven girl's eyes immediately makes contact with Angel's grey one and she frowns involuntarily when she avoids the concat, still hurt from the last conversation.

"Coach, coach, she tripped me" he whines.

"It was a clean strike Rowan" explain the coach.

"Maybe if you whined less and practiced more, you wouldn't suck" Bianca mocks "seriously coach, when am I gonna get real competition ? Since Angel doesn't want to compete with me, I need someone else"

She is right. She doesn't want to show her real nature, so she just defense herself with her headphones on, listening her beloved music. She doesn't care and obviously she would never use her true abilities.

"I do" Wednesday replies.

Even if Angel is still hurt from her last words, she gets preoccupied for her. Her skills are unknown, but Bianca shows no mercy and she doesn't want to see the girl hurt or humiliated.

Bianca stares at Wednesday up and down "Oh, you must be the new psychopath they let in" smirks.

"And you must be the self-appointed Queen Bee" her face straight "interesting thing about bees. Pull out their singers, they drop dead"

A smile grows on Angels face seeing the siren's confused look. Wednesday noticed that and for a split of second, she smirks, making the blonde blush.

"Rowan doesn't need you to come to his defense. He's not helpless, he's lazy"

"Are we doing this or not ?" she cuts her.

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