"Did you eat anything?" this time it was Tanu asked him.

"He gave me juice just now," he said pointing towards Anuj.

"Eat this now. And no drama is needed here." Tanu warned him giving him an apple from her bag which Aaradhya has kept in a hurry for Teena after hearing all incidents from one of her hostel friends.

Tanu and Aaradhya were studying since the morning. When they went to have lunch in their mess, one of their friends told them everything she saw while she went to the library to return a book. Any gossip or news spreads like fire in college. Initially, Aaradhya was furious at Abhi. He promised her that he would do nothing to Yuvraj unless he tries to harm him. Then what was the need to send bangles?

After hearing what Teena did for him she was stunned. She was confused about what she felt. Anger? Jealousy? A wish to replace Teena or something else. She felt bad for that girl and she felt worse that she was feeling jealous for no reason. What kind of person is she becoming? She needs to stay away from Abhi. He is messing up with her brain. But this is a difficult time for him. He must be feeling very guilty. She will help him with whatever she can now and once everything is back to normal she will never talk to him. Never!

They all sat there for more than two hours until the nurse informed her that they can meet Teena. Yuvraj too wanted to see her. As he heard they can meet her he came towards them.

"Leave," Abhi said clenching his fist as he
saw him nearing them.

"See, I will just see her and..." Yuvraj tried to speak but was stopped by a very angry Tanu who stood in front of him.

"Don't you dare come near her. If you don't want to get admitted here in this instance, leave. I will not repeat it. Leave I said. " she said controlling the urge to slap him.

Yuvraj did not say anything after that. He left quietly. They all calmed themselves down before they entered to meet Teena.

"Hi! How are you?" Anuj was the first to ask her as they entered. Abhi could not bring himself to say anything.

"Alright, I guess. Are you ok Abhi?" she asked looking at him.

"There was no need to do that Teena. Why did you come in between," he said instead.

"Oh shut up. It's not a big deal. You call me a friend and then you are asking why I did that. Just chill I am fine."

Aaradhya saw the exchange. She cannot help but feel bad. Why was she feeling so bad if Teena did something for Abhi? She wants to get out of this place now.

"Here, have some fruits," Tanu said taking out a knife that she kept in her bag and cutting an apple with it.

"No, please. I am fine. I don't need to eat that." said Teena giving a disgusting look at the fruit.

"See I am not in the mood for any drama now. Eat it at this instant. You have to take medicines after this. And Principal Ma'am will be here any minute to ask about what happened. Tell that scum's name and I am sure she will rusticate him. " said Tanu frightening everyone standing there. This girl can make anyone do anything if she wants.

Taking Yuvraj's name meant mentioning Abhi's too. What if they take any action against Abhi also? No, she cannot afford that. She has made her first genuine friend after years. She can't let him in trouble.

She came out of her thoughts as she found a place of fruits kept in front of her. She was about to make a face but a stern look from Tanu and she found herself eating a slice. It was not that bad. But it was not tasty too.

"How are you feeling Miss Teena?" came a mature voice. The Principal was standing there with some other members of the office.

"I am feeling fine, Ma'am," she said and hissed as she started to sit straight. Aaradhya held her immediately and helped her to sit straight.

"Good. I see all your friends are here too. Nice to see you all helping your friend. But can you all leave for ten minutes? I have to talk with her privately." the old woman said sweetly looking at everyone.

Everyone nodded and left the room immediately.

"Teena, do tell me everything truthfully. How did you get hurt? If any student is responsible for it I will punish them, I promise."

"I was on the ground Some students were running. Someone pushed me, I don't know who and I fell. I hit my forehead on a brick and got hurt. That's it. No student is responsible for this."

"You are telling the truth, right?" asked the old woman again.

"Yes ma'am. Why would I lie? If any student was responsible for this I would have made sure he or she gets punished accordingly." Teena said trying her best to assure the principal.

"Ok take some rest and you can tell me if you need anything. We all are ready to help you whenever needed," she said sweetly.

"Thank you so much, ma'am." Teena tried to give her the best smile she can.

She knows her friends will be mad at her for this and maybe Tanu would kill her too. But she did what she felt was right at the moment.

"What did you tell her," asked Tanu as she entered again.

"That, it was an accident. I fell and got hurt," said Teena not meeting anyone's eyes.

"What?" Everyone asked in unison.

"Why would you say that?" asked Aaradhya.

"I don't want more drama. You all should go and study and let me rest now. See that blow was not meant for me. It was an accident for me." she said looking at the disappointed faces in front of her.

"I did not expect this from you. This was our chance to make Yuvraj pay for his deeds." Said Tanu disappointedly.

"Listen, Tanu, I appreciate your coming here and worrying about me. But it was me who got hurt and I have the right to make decisions for myself. So please go back and study. We have exams soon. Thank you for everything." she said looking at Aaradhya and Tanu.

Tanu left immediately after that not saying a word. Who can change her? After all, it was The Teena who has tons and tons of attitude. Why did she even come here? She came here for Abhi only. That Teena can go to hell, she doesn't care!

Soon after Aaradhya followed her trying to calm her down. She took Tanu for a walk from there instead of going to the hostel room. They have to study so much but that can wait. First, she needs her roommate to relax.


"You don't want my name to get involved in all this, right?" asked Abhi once Tanu and Aaradhya left.

"I don't want more drama. Yuvraj will be rusticated and then he will try to harm someone again. Instead, I will blackmail him. I will ask him to stay away from us and in return, I will not say anything to anyone." she said trying to sound smarter.

"He is going to pay very heavily for this," said Abhi clenching his jaw.

"No need for that. If you want to repay me for what I did today then stay away from him. You will do nothing, I repeat nothing. Please. That all is just a waste of time. " she said in a serious tone.

"No, I cannot do this. He needs to learn a lesson...."

"Leave then"


"Leave I said. Go and teach him whatever lesson you want but after that never ever try to talk to me. If you can't let go of stupid revenge for your friend, I don't need your friendship."

He took a deep breath and palmed his face. What kind of situation is this? But he has to listen to whatever Teena says.

"But if he again did anything to anyone related to me, I'll break his hand, legs and every body part."

"Ok, but you will not start any fight and you will definitely not show your love by sending him gifts," she said smiling.

After so long Abhi felt a genuine smile forming on his lips. He was just thankful that Teena was alright. And he could not help but think about Aaradhya's calm behaviour. She was silent most of the time. He expected her to shout at him, and blame him but all he got was an apple.

He will talk with her once he gets time. With that thought, he came out of the hospital room to take Teena's discharge papers.

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