The Final Battle!

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Notice: due to wanting to play safe, given that Minako's bra is hanging by a literal strap, I changed the rating to M. I don't intend to do any fancy nude scenes though...maybe for DragonBallxTouhou: Budokai.

That will be happening, by the way.


Goku's eyes flickered, and he saw a giant red spear being cut in half by a giant red sword. His eyes closed again, as his world was engulfed in darkness.

"Why...? Why is she doing this?" Goku asked. Images of Flandre and her playing, in the brief time they knew each other, played through his mind. "She was my friend...I had a weird feeling about her...a feeling I didn't have for anyone. And yet my heart...I feel so much pain...a pain i've never felt before. But..." Goku's eyes flickered open to the red sky, "The looks like her eyes...why am I thinking like this anyways? I sound like Roshi..."

His eyes closed.

"Mistress!" Sakuya yelled. He could feel it. The vampire lady had been severely hurt. He could see a lot around him, despite his eyes being closed.

"Mom...Sister...Aunty...they're gonna disappear." Goku thought. "Just like when that Great Ape attacked...but I was asleep then. I wish I could fall asleep I wouldn't feel this pain. And yet..." Goku stared at the sky, "And yet I want to stare at the beauty of the scarlet sky. It's so pretty. I don't understand why. It makes my heart ache and yet feel better at the same time." His eyes shifted. The moon. The full, beautiful, blood colored moon, "I think I get it now...why they want the sky red. Vampires don't like the sun. Maybe when this is over we can get the Dragon Balls..."

As Goku stared at the moon, his heart changed. It was calm, an image of Flandre's red eyes came in...but then...then there was a new feeling. Goku's eyes widened as his chest thrust upwards. He felt his body compulse, bulk-up, his blood pumped.

"And yet...yet I have all this rage...I want...I want to kill them! I want to make them suffer! I want to rip them apart!" Goku growled in his mind. It began to become empty.

"Cut off his tail, nooooooooooooow!" Minako yelled. Goku began to sit up, teeth gritting, eyes blood red.

" not going to let them get away with this! I can't let them get away with this! I need more power! I want more power! Damn it..." Goku thought. His body continued to flinch and tear itself, as a yellow aura surrounded him. But a different thought filled his mind, "I want my friends and family together again!"

Then it snapped, the pain of growing sinked into the center of his chest, and with a mighty roar it exploded outwords. Goku snarled and roared as the yellow aura split the scarlet sky. He cried out a mighty animalistic roar, as tears flew into the golden aura sky. His hair spiked up into the air, his body bulked up and became larger, and his eyes turned a piercing yellow. As the aura calmed down, surrounding his body wildly, his eyes darted over. He dashed forward so fast it pushed everyone back, and he kicked Flandre away. The two of them vanished. They clashed their punches and kicks. Goku jumped in the air and out-maneuvering Flandre, but her flight gave her an unfair advantage as Goku was sent flying next to his mother.

"C'mon Goku, let's finish our little game! It's so fun when you're angry my beloved, Ahahahaha!" Flandre laughed. Goku snarled.

"I'm going to make you pay, I'm going to make you suffer damned liar! Haaaaaaaa!" Goku's aura exploded, and he jumped into the air. He punched Flandre in the face knocking her away, but stopped in the air and kept chasing, he had somehow learned to fly! He landed a flurry of punches and kicks, and brought his fist down to knock her into the ground. She landed on the ground but Goku was already on her. She vanished as he brought his feet down, shattering the ground. Flandre fired a purple KI blast at Goku who grabbed it. It hurt more than a normal KI blast, it felt different too. But he didn't care as he threw it into the air and got kneed in the gut. Goku glared back, and punched her in the jaw with a strong right hook. Flandre countered with an uppercut, but Goku twirled and slapped her right next to her eye with his tail, before sending her flying back with a kiai. Goku growled as Flandre laughed, and their aura's burst open. The whole ground around the mansion gave in and collapsed, and the two started falling into a large depth with the debris. The two jumped off of boulders and clashed their forearms, breaking debris next to them. They began to punch, kick, dodge, counter, parry, and counter-attack at swift speeds, but Flandre was kicked through some Scarlet Devil Mansion debris and into a cavern wall. "Ka-Me-Ha-Me-Haaaaaaa!"

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