Chapter 20 : I need you part 1.

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Destiny Grey

" What do you mean you're not coming back home?" I scrunched up my face and kissed my teeth.

I was getting irritated with James on the phone.

I was two seconds away from unleashing the hounds of hell on his ass.

" I know, I told you, I was babe, but something came up. I'm sorry love."
He deeply sighed.

" How am I supposed to trust you when you pull last-minute shit like this? It's disrespectful James."

I folded my arms while having him on speakerphone.

I was currently in the kitchen cutting up vegetables and making dinner for tonight.

" I'm not trying to disrespect you, babe." He implied.

" I wish I could but, I can't. It's complicated." He lowered his voice.

" Nah, Something is off, you don't act like this. It's not your usual behavior." I shook my head.

For some reason, I didn't hear a reply and that irritated me more ... I was furious!

" James! What the hell is going on that you're NOT telling me?! I know you." I semi yelled.

Something in my gut was telling me otherwise that it was a BIG problem.

" I thought we told each other that we were going to be more honest."

I reminded him about the serious talk we had a few nights ago.

It was silence at first, but, James took a deep breath and started to open up to me about the ordeal at hand.

" Babe, I'm in too deep with a certain situation involving the higher-ups and I don't want nothing to happen to you or Faith. I couldn't forgive myself if y'all got caught in the crossfire."

He was talking so fast. I could hear the
freight and nervousness in his voice.

Knowing James he was probably pacing back and forth talking to me.

" I've lost too many people close to me to the streets and I'm damn sure ain't gon' let it happen again on my watch."

He said with a serious tone through gritted teeth.

I took a moment to gather my thoughts before I responded.

I decided to go outside on the patio for some fresh air and close my eyes.

The wind blew in my direction. The fall season was here and the leaves and trees were changing colors.

Nature calmed me. Especially my nerves that had been jumping through the roof.

To be transparent; Being with James in this relationship has caused so many terrifying moments— losses, setbacks, and disappointments.

It came with many ups and downs but he was my partner in crime and I had to be down for him and our family.

The moment I continued to be with him after he confessed to me that he was a King Pin Four years ago Was the day I became his "Ride or Die."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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