❤️ six ✨

11 1 0

" Tae .."

Tae scared and turned to only finding his  professor .he asked shuttering voice ...
Tae : yes.. sir ....?

Bogum : are you paired or single .. i wanna pair with you ...!

Tae : no sir ..! I have a pair and he is in tent.. and there he comes ...

Hobi : let's go tae ...!

Bogum: ok then ...! Have fun ..

He said with fake smile and turned around to go ...

Prof. Choi : so my dear students, let's go in forest and yeah all will return before 6.00 pm. .  no one should play around.  If you have got any kind of problem then you can return early....

Students: ok sir ...

They all devided and went into different directions...

Day went very well and they all returned in time ... But some certain person' s  mind was not in the camp but in  the incident happened and he saw with his bare eyes ...


tae,hobi , jimin and yoongi were going in one direction. And after sometime yoongi and jimin went to different direction with hand in hand....

Now hobi and tae was in one direction.
They were walking...and suddenly...they slipped down ....they were rolling to downwards ... both were Injured in hand and knees ... They lastly landed on a place ....

Tae : ahhhh.... Hyung.... It's paining so much ( screaming his lungs out )

Hobi : yaahhh... You don't scream  like that ... I am also Injured .. ( said showing irritation ) ...

Then they both stopped as they saw their  surroundings.... Tae turned around and was  overwhelmed....

There was a beautiful waterfall
streaming down .it was looking
magical .... They both stood up
and went near waterfall ....

After sometime of discussion... Both decided to bath in the stream ...

Hobi went in water first and when he went in it ...., His all injuries were no where to be found ... And he was looking at tae with stunned face ....

And the same was happened with tae ... He was too stunned,  looking at hobi with same expression... The injuries were gone .... They were so surprised...

After some time they both changed to fresh clothes and they were returning to camp that's when tae heard a sound from his back behind the trees and bushes .....

He turned around to see someone standing behind the trees in th bushes...



Tae' s eyes glowed emerald green when his eyes meet with jungkook's midnight Black ones ...

After that jungkook got vanished ..

Hobi : tae... tae... Taehyung... Kim taehyung.....

At last hobi yelled at tae ... And that's when he returned to Earth.. 

Hobi : earth to taehyung are you there...

Tae : ye... Yeah .. what's happened...!!???

Hobi : that's what I should ask you ...!!??

Tae : hoba ... Did you saw that ...?? There was something or someone..???!!!

Hobi : you are hallucinating tae ...!  There is nothing .... Feels like you are so hungry that's you are talking to Ghosts ...
Let's eat something then we  Will  go to the otheside of the waterfall ...

Tae : but .... Fine ..!! Ok .. let's return to camp ..

Hobi : ok let's go ..

They returned to camp . Yoongi and jimin were waiting for them ...

They ate together. By that time was 4.30 so they decided not to leave the camp anymore and write there information in their assignment projects..

But tae was thinking about the eyes that saw in the forest .he was drowning in that eyes...

He decided to go in the forest at night sneakily....  

Finally it was night ...

After all slept in their respective tent , tae sneakily left the camp tent and walked towards forest , and  walked near the waterfall... And stopped there ...

He was looking at that tree ...but when he saw the scene infront of him ....that's when his breath stopped for a minute...

Someone was sitting besides the waterfall and painting something ... On a canvas ...

He went near the creature to clear his doubt ... but His breath hitched....,  the creature was  painting him ... 

He was witnessing it from behind the tree...

After sometime the figure got up and looked at the artwork he created...
Then he took his things and went towards the other side of waterfall and started to sing ....

     " When you close your eyes...

       Tell me what are dreaming...


       I wanna know it all....

   I'd spend ten thousand hours ...

    Ten thousand more......"

Tae was hypnotized by the voice and started walking behind the voice ..

After sometime he found himself infront of a palace,  when the voice stopped, as he came to sense ...

He was astonished that there is a palace is in the middle of the forest....

He looked around and saw nothing.. so he decided to go inside the palace....

He went inside the palace and his mouth was gap open ....

He saw the palace was as new as his new Gucci shoes ....

He started to roam around and explore the palace...

He was in the hall... So there was so much potrait of kings and thorns .... He was admiring one by one ..and that's when he fall backwards .....


A long chapter.....🥲


my brain is not braining now ...😅😜

How was the chapter...?

What happened next ....😱

  How did he fall.....??


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I purple you 💜


Happy 10th Anniversary ARMY 💜✨

WE MADE IT .....💜✨🔥

my precious you ✨Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz