sad Christmas

755 11 6

Dally pov

I bundle myself up in the blanket in an odd familiar mood a shitty mood a mean black eye on my left and a cut under my right so much for the Christmas spirt

My ol' man came back home at 4 am and was drunk. Very drunk. He stormed into my room and dragged me out of bed and  started punching me I coudnt wrap my head around what was happening so I just took it like a wuss.

He left me on the ground bleedin

Another reason to add on why I hate Christmas. I'm supposed to go to the Curtis's later for dinner but I'm not going to show my face around there looking like this.

I don't wanna ruin their mood ponyboy loves Christmas if I step foot in that house everyone's gonna be tense like I'm some ticking time bomb

Hell johnny might come lookin for me he's gonna freeze his ass off the kid never uses his head

I groan and cover my face with my pillow and force myself to fall asleep so I can forget about this empty feelin in my chest

I wake up to someone knocking on the door repeatedly I hold my breath trying to be as quiet as possible they can't see me like this

Their gonna think I'm a wuss. I shut my eyes tight and groan from the pain. If johnny can take it and not complain then why can't I?

I hear johnnys voice and I shot up out of bed

"Dallas are you in there?! The gangs waiting for you!"

He hollers I tense up no,no,no they can't see me like this.

I feel so...vulnerable like I'm gonna break any second I wipe my eyes and punch my thigh hard i sniffle and bite my lip trying to quiet my sobs

"Dallas?! Cmon man I'm freezing my ass off! Are you in there?!"

He hollers again I lay back in bed and curl into a ball I push the pillow on my face quieting his voice

The tears staining my sheets only irritating my eyes more

I lay like this for hours with my eyes closed but not able to fall asleep. I throw my pillow suddenly feeling angered I push my hands in my hair and stare at my lap

I wipe the stained tears on my cheek and glance at the clock 5pm the loneliness slowly creepin up on me I stand up my knees buckle but I pull my shoes on and head downstairs I sit at the bar and Buck looks at me worried

"The hell happend to your face?"

He asks pouring me a shot of whiskey

"Mind ya Goddamn business."

I tell him not in the mood he backs off and hands me the shot

"That one kid was asking for ya had a nasty bruise on his cheek. He said if i see you to tell ya to go to the Curtis's they're hoping ya show I guess. Since it's Christmas anyways."

I hum getting a refill on my shot the alcohol consuming my loneliness to just feeling nothing

"Cool it man you're gonna drink a whole bottle of whiskey at this rate."

He warns after multiple shots I scuff he pours me another and drink it fast I push it towards him but he shakes his head

"Ain't giving ya no more.  It's Christmas for fuck sakes man go out and have some fun not mope around being sad."

"Ain't fuckin sad Buck."

I tell him he scuffs and mutters an Uh huh

"Whatever dal. I don't want ya so drunk you can't even remember who you are."

"I don't care. That's why I'm doing it now gimme another."

"I already told you I ain't giving ya no more. I'm lookin after you i could just let you drink and fall on your ass but I aint!"

He hollers I scuff and stumble away from him I make it back to my room and flop on my bed. I kick my shoes off and close my eyes falling asleep before a headache kicks in

Another shitty reason why I'll hate Christmas.

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