nothin gold can stay pt2

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I haven't seen Johnny around in a couple days. The guilt from breaking up with him and hurting him has been eating me up. I need to find him and apologize. I visited the Curtis's to see if johnny was around but Pony told me he left on Wednesday night after he screamed at him

I felt this gut feeling making me feel sick somethins wrong Johnny wouldn't randomly disappear for 5 days I quickly leave and check the lot I look around and up in the trees but nothing

Something catches my eyes. A hole near a tree stump I get closer to it and my heart drops the gun I hid a couple months back is gone

I knew johnny had it I just knew. I run out from the lot and check the streets but no use.

It's now night time and I've slowly been given up on finding him the kids disappeared I sit on the curb trying to think on where he'd be hiding at

I track all the areas I've found him in but I haven't checked that smelly chicken coop I once found him in last summer
I hurry running back to the lot and run into the forest

I see the coop and suddenly my stomach drops something feels off I slowly walk towards it a smell getting stronger making me wanna puke my guts up

"Johnny? Come on out I ain't gonna hurt you man. I just wanna see if you're alright."

I say slowly I squat down by the small door and something stinks like a dead animal

"Johnny? Cmon this ain't funny. Everyone's worryin about ya man. specially me. I'm sorry about that night."

I say apologizing I crack the door open and the smell gets stronger I gulp not knowing what I'm about to see. I hope johnny ain't in here and is just back at the lot. Hell I wish hes at the lot kids been stressing me out.

I pull my lighter out and turn it on I duck my head in and shine the lighter in the coop I scream and fall on my butt

Oh god. No. No. No. That can't be johnny. Please don't let it be johnny.

Tears pour out of my eyes that can't be johnny.

I shine the light inside Flys everywhere blood on the walls pieces of brains on the floor and walls I stare at the headless body and I know its johnny.

"Johnny. Baby cmon please I don't wanna lose you please don't let this be you."

I beg the gun shines in his lap and I gag throwing up in the leaves

It's johnny. That's my gun.

I hurry standing up tripping over my own feet I run out of the forest and end up on the Curtis's street

I cry out, he's gone. Johnny's gone. He's really gone.

I slam the door open and everyone stares at me darrys the first to stand up

"Johnny- i- he's gone! Oh god darry-"

I yell gagging I cover my mouth darry eyes me cautiously

"Gone?! He left?!"

Darry hollers I shake my head His lifeless, faceless bodys in the chicken coop getting eating by Flys

"He's dead!"

I sob all of them go quiet darry says something but I coudnt hear it. I run out of the house I can't take this. I run to a conviction store I grab a comic book and rip it I wipe my eyes but get yelled at by the cashier

"Hey- you can't do that!"

He yells I storm to him and point my gun that was in my waistband at him his eyes widen with fear

"Give it to me!"

I scream he bags the money up and shoves it in my chest I grab it and run out

Johnny's gone.

His face completely gone the images reappearing in my mind I hear the sirens in the back I don't fight them i rush to the phone booth and call darry.

"It's dallas."

"Dally?! Where are you?!"

He asks but I see the cop cars I drop the phone and run but the cops corner me

"Drop the gun winston!"

One yells I point the gun at him not caring

Johnny's gone. I mutter to myself

They fire and hit me multiple times I hit the pavement and see the gang running to me I close my eyes and my breathing gets heavy

Johnny's gone. He's really gone.

Nothing gold can stay.

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