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- dally will do anything for Johnny

- they share the recliner at the Curtis's dally complains that it's to cramped but enjoys being so close to johnny

- Johnny watches the rain and it annoys the living day lights out of dal

- they share cigarettes

- dingo dates

-movie dates 24/7

- Johnny loves to be cuddled but dally acts like he don't but in reality he loves it too

- dally sets a limit for himself when he's with johnny and theirs achol involved

- praise

- they share kisses in bed

-dally loves physical touch and when they're at the Curtis's he'll find a way to be sneaky about it

- at nights johnny will get as close as he can to him even if dally complains

- they shower together at Bucks which usually ends up with johnny on his knees but when he's not dally will take it apon himself and wash him

- Johnny complains and pushes his hands away but dally don't care and continues washing him

- Johnny sometimes sleeps in the guest bedroom at the Curtis's and after everyone's asleep dally will slip inside and they'll cuddle

- Johnny hates the silent treatment and once dally was being an ass and ignored him all day johnny gave up and walked away to the Curtis's and complained to ponyboy who then told darry and then darry yelled at dally

- Johnny sprays dallys cologne in his bed and pillow imagining he's actually there

- Johnny wears dallys clothes

- dally loves to grab Johnny's thighs, butt,  hips,

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