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You had worked on it, but thanks to your quirk, your able to morph into a bird of prey. With this, it takes less energy to be such a small creature meaning it conceived energy quicker. It also made your costume shrink down to the small birds size, sort of like if you voluntarily switch to birdy your clothes grow.

You were sitting on Yaoyorozu's pony tail.

"Hey its shiketzu high." Kirishima pointed out.

"Bakugo." A very fluffy looking, student? Teacher? "I think you met shishikura in the test. My classmate with the flesh molding power?"

"Yeah I took him out." Bakugo growled.

"I thought so. I'm guessing he may have acted rudely or perhaps offended you. He has a tendency to try and push his own values onto others. He probably couldn't help it in your case since you're pretty famous. I apologize for him. I'd like to build a good relationship between our schools."

"I-I guess he wants to be friends?" M*neta stuttered.

"So he says." Midoriya spoke up. "But the way they were fighting, it didn't seem that way."

"Hey you with the collar." Todoroki was talking to the boy from earlier that joined into the plus ultra. "Did I offend you some how?"

"Oh no, I'm sorry. Did I hurt your feelings?" He responded, but it felt more like a taunting. "Well the thing is son of endevour, I just cant help but hate both of you. You've changed a little bit since the first time our paths crossed, but you definitely still have your fathers eyes."

"Something wrong, yoarashi?" The hairy student called for the one talking to Todoroki.

"NOPE NOT A THING SIR!" He walked off to the rest of shiketsu.

You went back to your original form and headed up to Todoroki. Being related to a hero yourself and not having a great father of your own, you knew somewhat how he felt.

"Todoroki..." midoriya tried to comfort the dual headed boy.

"See you out there." Some girl from the other school walked by with a suductive voice.

M*neta and kaminari were all over what that was about.

You put your hand on Todorokis shoulder. "Hey... you ok?"

Before an answer was given, a bell rang signaling the next test. "If you ever need to talk, head to my dorm." You said as the announcer, mera spoke.

"Villains have performed a large scale terrorist attack spanning all of insert city name here. Since most building collapsed there are many injured."

The small room started opening... again. "Due to heavily damaged roads, the first responders have unfortunately been delayed for the time being. Until emergency services arrive the heroes in the area will lead the rescue efforts. Your task is to save as many people as you can and help the injured. And with that.. BEGIN!"

Everyone ran out. You propelled your self with a large gust of wind.

"Let's start by heading to the closest urban area, we'll work as a team as much as possible!" Iida instructed.

As everyone was running, midoriya heard some kid crying. "Help me please! My grandpa! He's been crushed! I think he's hurt!

"Oh no! This looks bad!" Midoriya called out. "Where is he?"

"This looks bad?" The apparently small man repeated. "That's points off your score! The first thing you should do is see how bad my injuries are and if I can walk. I'm breathing kinda weird, too, aren't I? And didn't you even notice that I'm bleeding from the head? People with hero licenses should be able to judge a victim's condition in an instant! Your gross lack of training is all too apparent right now. You better shape up and pay attention newbies!"

Birds of prey hunt together (hawks sister) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now