soft spot

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~next morning~
I rubbed my eyes and sat there for a bit trying to wake up. I finally settled and looked around. this wasn't my room, where am I? I looked down to see myself in my bra and underwear. I let out a loud scream and heard something groan. It was tom... I was in toms bed?! I immediately shot up from my bed and ran into toms closet to hide. I hurried up and threw on one of his shirts so he couldn't see my half naked self.

"Ava, what are you doing." he chuckled as he opened the closet door.

"I was just uh.."

He then pulled me out and pinned me against the wall. he looked me up and down and whispered

"Your amazing."

Then he just walked away like nothing. I was so curious to what was going on. so many things shot through my mind. I went back to my room to take off toms clothes and change into my own when I heard a knock on the door.

"Hey Ava, It's dad" he said, he sounded a bit disappointed.

"May I come in sweetie?"

"Sure dad." I said throwing on some pants.

"We need to talk." he said. I could tell it was serious because his face was very dead looking. not a muscle was used.

I patted my bed for him to sit down and he let out a loud sigh.

"Ava, you have to get married this weekend."

I shot up from my bed and I put my hands over my face. my jaw dropped and I let tears roll down my face.

"I don't wanna marry that sick bastard!" I said still crying. I was very emotional due to everything that's happened recently.

My dad pulled me in for a hug and let out some silent "shh" to calm me down.

"Sweetheart, I promise it will be ok."

I looked at him trying my best to smile. I wish I could just go back to my old life when mom was around. I didn't wanna marry this man.

My dad patted me on the back and smiled as he walked out of the room. I was so tired of all of this stuff. It was emotionally draining and overwhelming. I put my head into my pillow and cried some more screaming and letting my anger out.

~knock knock~
Tom opened my door and I immediately wiped my tears, I sniffled my nose and smiled big at him.

"Hey, i'm about to go for a quick ride to go grab some groceries , you down?" he asked waving his keys in the air

"Yeah sure give me a second."
I wiped some more tears and grabbed my converse and headed out the door.

~in the car~
My hair blew in the summer breeze as tom blared his favorite rock metal music. we both sang and laughed and enjoyed the sunset. we stopped at a stoplight and me and tom met eyes. we both stared at each other before he put his hand on my thigh. That's when I felt butterflies for tom. I'd never felt this before.

"Want a sip of my drink?"
he asked as he pointed to it. Of course he brand some red bull. I nodded and grabbed the can. I took a sip and I could tell he had eyes on me. he was watching my every move and it made me feel safe.

We finally arrived at the shop and we headed in.

"Ladies first." he said holding the door open for me.

I gave him a big smile and walked in. This wasn't the usual tom I was use too, It was like he turned soft.

We walked around grabbing stuff that interests us when all of a sudden I felt something touch the back of my head.

"Don't you move." The mysterious person said.

Tom turned back and pulled out his gun and pointed it straight at the person.

"You get your fucking hands off her right now!" he said. He looked furious with the person.

"Oh tom.. I've missed you so much. But she's just stolen you away from me."

Suddenly I realized it was a girl. I started to think deep and remembered that voice. that was the girl tom cheated on me with in his bedroom!

"I never loved you Amelia." tom said wiping some sweat off of his forehead.

"Oh but Tommy, you were screaming my name in bed, your little pet was watching us weren't you Ava."

And with that I heard a loud bang. Tom had shot her straight in the chest. I heard her body fall to the ground as she let out some last words.

"She will never replace me baby."

Then she shut her eyes and went cold. tom grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the store.

"She has a big gang, they could be around here anywhere."

He threw me into his car and sped off. All I could think about was how he saved my life. Tom actually stood up for me. In this moment it made me feel like Tom seriously cared about me.

Just then as tom made a sharp turn I heard his tires make a ~SCREECH~  sound. I looked to my right to see bright headlights coming straight at us.

"Tom look out!" I said putting my hands infront of my face.

Tom then jumped from his seat on top of me protecting me from the glass when I heard a loud ~BOOM~ and then everything went black.

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