what are you doing here

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~A few days later~
I stayed away from tom and his gang as much as possible since the incident. I knew tom was fed up with me and I didn't want to be apart of any of his tantrum's.

I was sitting on my bed watching a movie when I heard my phone send me a notification. "ugh who is it now." I told myself as I rolled over to grab it off my night stand. I tapped my phone and saw it was Kayla. I opened the message and it read:

"Hey girl, I wanted to know if your done for going to the club tonight?"

I thought about tom but at this point I didn't care about him anymore. I knew how pissed he was at me.

"Of course girl, i'll be there at 7"

I sent the message and added a wonky face at the end. I was actually a bit excited, I get to experience something fun with someone else other then tom.

I shut my phone off and decided to hop in the shower. The warm water soothed my body. I sat there letting the water roll down my body as I thought about what to wear. I was gonna dress decent but I know Kayla always over dresses so I wanted to dress nice.

Just as I was about to get out of the shower I heard tom knock on my door.

"Ava, Come out we need to talk." he said

I hurried and got out wrapping myself in a towel. I opened the door to see tom half naked standing staring at my body.

"Yes tom?" I said waiting anxiously

"Tonight I want you to come to my room at 7:30, got it?"

I didn't wanna tell tom I was going to the club so I just nodded. he had no way of finding me anyways. As long as I keep my phone at home i'll be good.

Tom left the room and I began to get dressed. I curled my hair and put on a tight dress dress and some gold high heels. I grabbed a bag and headed out the door.

I was watching television when it was almost 7:30 I decided to get up and go grab Ava.

~knock knock~
"Ava, It's time for you to-"
I opened the door and saw the room empty. I looked around and saw her phone laying on the bed.

"That dumb ass." I said as I chuckled a bit.

I searched through her phone and once I saw her messages I dropped the phone and immediately ran to the car.

I had walked in and saw lots of people all dancing together. Kayla decided to join them so I helped myself as well. We all danced and laughed as we took shots. I down one after another and eventually was wasted. I kissed anyone in my path and touched everyone as they touched me. It was like a sex movie. I was totally out of it.

I decided to go play some cup pong when I felt someone grab me hard by the waist. It was tom.

"Ouch you sick bastard, you want some too?" I said as I pulled him in for a kiss.

He pulled away in shock. He laughed  at me and just guided me upstairs. he sat me down on the bed and set my drink down.

"So beautiful, what are you doing here." He said giving me a slight smirk.

"I'm here to get knocked up duh!" I said as I burped.

He laughed at me and pulled me close. he grabbed my thigh and ran his hand closer up to the spot he knew I wouldn't let him touch unless I was drunk.

"You like that?" he asked going up a bit more.

"Hell yeah I do." I said reaching for his zipper on his jeans.

As we both undressed each other he climbed on top of me and started to kiss my neck. Ugh.. he was so dreamy the way he touched me as he did it. He was like a pro. I grabbed his head and pulled it to mine so our lips met. His lips lined up perfectly with mine as our tongues slipped  into each others mouth.

"Are you ready?" he said as he spread my legs open.

I gave him the signal and he went in. He knew I was a virgin but he was up for any chance he could get. We both groaned as he stretched me out. As he pounded I tried not to let out any screams but I couldn't resist. he leant down towards my ear and went a bit faster. I could feel his warm breath on my face as he panted even more.

"Ava, You feel so good."

After about 2 more hours of non stop going, We finally began to get dressed. As he ran to the restroom I fell asleep on the bed. Tom ended up picking me up and carrying me to the car. we got in and headed home. he placed his hand on my thigh as he drove. once we got home he placed me down in his bed and sat beside me.

"Your so beautiful Ava." He said as he kissed my forehead and rolled over.

I opened my eyes a bit as I was half asleep. I looked around and just saw darkness so I fell back asleep again.

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