Bonus Chapter: Dakota and Dustin go on a date

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(This really be kinda like a reflection chapter.) Really short but here is.

It was the day of the date that Dustin had asked Dakota on graduation day  before he went to teach and she went to school at Reefside. They knew It might be a while before they could see each other again minus them hanging out with the others tommorow. They had decided to ride their bike around town and take it all in before she had two leave go to reefside.

"I'm really going to miss this place we have so many good memories here." Dakota said with a sad sigh.

"Hey Day it's that cafe we had our first date on." Dustin said trying to cheer her at as they past the comfy little cafe they hadn't sat in even a month ago and they had brought the other the others too.

"Yeah I do I remember that's the day that even after a fight we just sat there and talked for hours like we had nothing else going on and then I also remember that day we all had walked in there after a long battle and just enjoy each other company and relax for a little.

"It feels like it was yesterday when we were fighting Kelzacks in the park." Dustin said.

"What about our first fight with the Hunter and Blake."  Dakota asked him.

"I'm so glad that they ended up on our side but I'm kinda gonna miss being a ranger." Dustin said as walked over to a bench and sat down.

"You know Cam use to complain to me about you guys all the time." Dakota said thinking back to before they became rangers and her times hanging out with Cam.

"Dude i knew it." Dustin exclaimed.

"I mean you guys were late to the classes a lot." Dakota said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Dude." Dustin exclaimed throwing his hands up. "Quick question we never did ask you about your powers." He asked her.

"When I was a little kid we knew some one who had snow power and it's kinda of been a interest of mine then I found the academy but I was really the only one who was taught the way of snow and ice magic cause I guess it's a rare type. Also really if you think about it snow and ice are really beautiful but they can be really deadly." Dakota said as she leaned down on his shoulders and they talked about all kind of stuff like Tori's beach birthday. Him and Shane both switching bodies with Sensei. The time Tori took her bike out and other good memories. They talked till it got dark outside and knew it was time to go back to their houses.

"Day I'm really glad we got to do this." Dustin said as they got to the door and  looked her in the eyes  and gave her a light peck on the lips.

"Me too." Dakota said with a huge smile and gave him a hug and went to open the door 

"Day hey wait one more thing how do you feel now that everything over." Dustin asked her as he put his hands in his pockets and she turned back towards him.

"I don't know for some reason something tells me that somethings going to happen to me in a few months." Dakota said as she thought of the green gem in her room.


Decide to post this as a thank you for sticking with my story all this time!! Excited for the next book! Now this is the end of Ninja Storm!

............................... Dakota and Zack will return in Dino Thunder: The Ice Age

Dakota Scott : Power of snow (Ninja Storm Fanfic.)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ