Storm before the calm part 2

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"This can't be how it ends." Shane said as he tried to lift something up.

"Whoa what happened here." Hunter asked them as him, his brother and Zack walked in.

"You guys made it I'd thought you'd be toast for sure." Dustin said as they all ran up to them.

"I'm so glad your okay." Dakota said as she ran and gave Zack a big hug.

"Vexacus has torched our megazord so we ejected." Blake said.

"Where's Cam." Zack asked them as they looked around.

"Don't know." Shane said shaking his head.

"Sensei" Hunter asked him.

"Lothor got here before we did." Dustin said.

"we're to late."Blake said.

"Better late then never I always say." Sensei said as he walked out of the back in human form.

" Sensei" The wind ninja exclaimed.

"Your okay." Dustin said as they gave him a hug.

"Yes" He said.

"It's good to see you finally." Zack said.

"Yeah totally normal" Hunter said.

Lothors energy blast reversed the transmutation and it allowed me to return to my human form." Sensei explained to them.

"Where is Cam." Tori asked him confused.

"He has been captured." Sensei said as he looked to the ground.

"We will get him back sensei." Dakota said.

"It will not be easy Dakota my darkest fears have come to pass Lothor is preparing to open the abyss of evil." Sensei said.

"Are you serious but I thought that was just ninja folklore" Blake asked him. 

"it is no coincidence that blue bay harbor is home to the wind ninja academy we are the guardians of an invisible gateway that once opened will allow all the evil of ages gone by to escape." Sensei said.

"Then why hasn't Lothor opened it before now." Shane asked him.

"The abyss can only be opened when it's filled to capacity even then it only can be opened by a mighty force." Sensei said.

"The Samurai amulet." Tori said.

"Yes I believe Lothor intends to use Cam's powers to open the abyss and to allow the army of evil to enter our world." Sensei said.


"That's right drain all its precious energy." Lothor said.

"I set the self destruct mechanism on the ships bridge sir just like you ordered." Choobo said .

"Uncle what about us." Marah asked their uncle.

"What about you." He said.

"Well now that we're really evil don't we get to play a part in your ultimate victory." Kapri asked him.

"Now that you're evil I suppose I can't really trust you can I you were a little too enthusiastic when you were plotting with Shimatzu against me." Lothor said.

"You told us to do that." Marah exclaimed.

"Remember we are all in it together to trick Vexacus into trying to get rid of your generals." Kapri said.

"Yes we had to make sure that the abyss was at maximum capacity but you know there's always room for two more to go." Lothor said causing them to shake their heads.

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