~Waiting for the other one~

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The door of her driver's room swung open and there they were. Y/n and Charles standing right in front of the door looking at each other, just waiting for the other one to make the first move.

"Y/n, I shou-" Charles said breaking the silence.

You're probably wondering how they ended up here, well...


Charles' POV:

Home races always hit different. You're in your bed, in your house, in your own comfort zone and you get to do what you love right outside of your place. Is there anything better? Yeah, I thought so. Anyway, today we have free practice and quali. I have to focus on that. A pole is always great but when it's a pole for your home GP... it's just so much better. It's 7 AM and I should head down to the paddock.

Y/n's POV:

It's my first race in Monaco! I am so excited! Ever since I started karting, my dream was to get to drive around Monaco. And now I finally get to live that dream. In 3 hours I'll be driving around these thight streets for the first time. Don't get me wrong, I've driven this track on the simulator so it kinda isn't my first time driving it. But it is my first time driving it in real life.

Anyway, I am crashing at Max's place, here in Monaco. It has a perfect view of the paddock and I can ride a bike to it so I don't have to go there by car.

Max and I've known each other for as long as I can remember. He started karting a year earlier than me so he was already a "professional", as he likes to say, when I started. We've been great friends ever since. Considering that I am a year younger than him, he pretty much took me under his wing. I know a lot of people think he's hardcore but, and don't tell him I said this, he's actually a softie. When I first got into karting, all the boys there would tease me and bully me. One day Max came up to me and asked me if I wanted to be his friend and I accepted because I wasn't going to make a single friend any time soon if the rest of the kids would continue to bully me. But after Max became my friend the bullying, almost immediately, stopped. Instead of it, everybody started respecting me. I don't know if Max said something to them but since then we've been pretty much inseparable.


Charles' POV:

"What the fuck was that?!" I yelled walking behind her. I knew she'd cause me trouble from the moment she introduced herself to the team.

"Oh, grow the fuck up!" she replied with a hint of her Dutch accent.

"You're the one who's acting like a child! You didn't leave me any space and I could've ended in the barriers! And it was only a fucking practice!" I am still walking after her. Damn! That woman can walk really fast.

"That sounds like a you problem so piss the fuck off!"

I stopped. A me problem?! Who the fuck is she kidding?! I almost crashed because of her and she's saying that I was the one in the wrong when, clearly, she was forcing me off the track. I genuinely can't stand her.

"Bitch!" I yelled after her. I probably shouldn't have done that because I've never seen a woman turn around so fast in my entire life. She walked straight up to me and stopped right in front of me.

To be honest, I am expecting a slap but she is just standing there in her race suit, which is hanging off her hips, holding her helmet. She's really sweaty from the session but she's looking so fucking hot I can barely control myself.

She got in my face and started.

"First of all, I did leave you enough space but you were just to big of a coward to use it. Second, who the fuck told you it was okay to call any woman a bitch. I mean like seriously, you resorted to that?! Third and last thing, I would've slapped you so hard right now but I am a bigger person than that so you got let off easy. Next time I won't be the bigger one." her Dutch accent made a guest appearance in that last sentence and it was really thick which meant that I struck a nerve.

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