~I got a call...~

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"So Y/n, how does it feel to be back?" Natalie asks me.

"Well, it's good to be back. I kinda missed this."

"Y/n, as you know, a lot of people were a bit surprised to hear you are coming back to the sport. The last you raced was 6 years ago and in F2. Have you driven this year's car before?"

"I actually have. I drove it on our track right after I agreed to come back."

"And when did you actually sign the contract for this season?" Crofty asked as if he was a cop interrogating a suspect.

"All I can tell you that it was quite some time before it was anounced." I smiled a bit. Why should I tell him? So that he could say what Charles is probably thinking, that I came back to steal his tittle? No thank you.

"Y/n, how did you end up with a seat this season considering that you haven't been racing for a while?" Natalie asked me smiling and waiting for my response.

"I got a call... and I answered it. The rest is pretty much history. I won't lie to you, I was a bit surprised when they told me that they wanted me to be their driver this season even though I retired a long time ago. Eventually I accepted their offer and here I am now."

"Considering we are on the topic of your retirement, can we ask why did you actually retire? You were just getting started so it was quite a shocker when you anounced that you'll be leaving." Ted questioned immediately after my response.

I mean he is not lying. I was getting better and quicker than I ever was so the public didn't really know why I was retiring. They all probably had their guesses as to why I retired and I am 100% sure that most of them thought something happened between me and Charles. I mean, there is some truth to that but still...

"There were some issues in my personal life that were more important than racing. My family and my private life always come first and not even racing can take their spot."

"When you say personal problems do you mean your relationship with Charles because we all know the two of you dated?" Ted pressed me looking for some tea on Charles' and mine relationship.

Ahhh. The interview was going so well. Nobody was asking me about Charles and our relationship until this man decided to kill me with it. As far as the public knew, Charles and I started dating when we were teammates and were together for 3 years. But they don't know that we got engaged during his first year at Ferrari while I was still in F2. After he popped the question we decided to share the news only with our families, the other 19 F1 drivers and their team principals. We decided to not tell the public about it so, as far as they knew, Charles and I were together for three years and then we went our separate ways.

"I-" my PR assistant walked up and stopped the interview saying that I was needed in the garage. I said sorry to the Sky Sports team and went with her to the garage.

"Thank you so much." I said to her.

"Don't sweat it. Just doing my job that's all." she replied smiling at me.

I've always hated the media side of racing. They only want the drama and they don't realise that the drivers are also humans with feelings and secrets. Of course I am not thrilled about everyone wanting to know what happened between Charles and me but I knew that I'd be asked that if I had decided to come back, and I still came back, so I have to deal with that. I am just not sure why the public feels as if they should know every little detail of our lives. It's sick.


Guys, I need your opinion on this. So I've been planning to write these like in race weekends and I don't know if including 23 races is the way to go because I've written the Bahrain GP and it has five chapters that revolve around it so I think that maybe I should write like ten races and just put like instagram photo dump chapters and standings updates for those I don't write about. What do you think of that idea? Also if I decide to write 10 races which races would you like me to include? It can be a race on the current calendar. It can be a race that got removed this year but was driven last year. It can be a race that hasn't been driven in a while. Whatever race you wanna see me write about. Also thanks for the support so far. It's my first book so I appreciate it.

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