1. AC: Chapter 12

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"Are you gonna pair up with a symbiote?" – Asked Cletus

"I'm gonna improve myself..." – he trailed taking off his jacket and t-shirt while walking inside the stasis chamber – "...into something better" – he said nodding

Cletus clicked the button he was instructed on the pad making the stasis chamber close and then a green smoke started to come out from the airways of the chamber and once it touched Harry's skin and he breathed in he screamed and fall on his knees while the killer just looked at the situation with a smile on his face.

<<<<<<<<<< NOW >>>>>>>>>>

Nightcrow moved forward clicking a button on the sword he was holding that made it turn red and then he slashed one of the symbiotes making it screech as the slash seem to have burn and killed him, another symbiote tried to get to him but Black Cat blasted him with the repulsor she had on her hand

Dawn shot three arrows that once hitting a couple of symbiotes it made them burst into flames and disintegrate, Venom expanded his arm grabbing one of the creatures and pulled it towards him, the he grabs it with his two hands and rip it in half before eating one of the halves.

"You better not kiss me today after eating those things" – complained Felicia

"I'm the one that kisses you, not Venom" – said Eddie

"But he is eating them through you" – said Felicia before blasting another symbiote

"Sorry" – apologized Venom before grabbing a symbiote that was coming his way and ate it too – "not sorry" – he added before he kept chomping

"Ok this is getting too much and annoying" – complained Farah before pointing a different arrow to the door and shoot it and once the arrow hit something it exploded all in the hall of that door

"Cool" – said Arash before slashing the last symbiote that was on his way making it disintegrate from the fiery slash of the sword he was carrying

"Did you killed all of the symbiotes coming?" – Asked Felicia

"Let me check" – said Arash with his eyes glowing in golden and closing them while lifting his hand to the door trying to get a feel with his powers but then he gasped stopping – "ok...I couldn't check all the way in, but for the most part there is nothing else on the other side of the door" – he said

"I'm taking the lead then" – said Venom

"So we are gonna walk right into Osborn's trap?" – Asked Farah

"No other way to get to him, Carnage and Peter" – said Arash

Venom started to walk while the other heroes followed him with Nightcrow and Black Cat being right behind him and Dawn on the back ready with two heated arrows on her bow, suddenly they heard a beeping sound behind them and when they turned the walls begin to close so the four of them started to run forward to avoid getting crushed by the walls as they seem to be going lower and lower on the building once they finally saw an opening more symbiotes were waiting on the other side so Venom jumped to push them away while Nightcrow, Black Cat and Dawn jumped as well right on time before the walls closed all the way.

Venom was killing one of the symbiotes he pushed away while other two jumped on his back that were disintegrated by two heated arrows from Dawn, Nightcrow and Black Cat also moved forward to attack two other symbiotes with the repulsor and the heated sword killing both creatures instantly.

"CAT!" – Called Peter

"What?" – Asked Arash and Felicia at the same time turning to see the boy in a stasis chamber that soon started to fill with a green liquid

Web Warriors: Part 2. Legacy IncarnateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang