Unknown to Rainer, Bernard tends to slip into another zone when he's worn himself down in battle. From his sparring partners to his enemies. They would describe this state of Bernard Sullivan's fighting technique when he's almost on zero as "nature and instinct" taking over. His enemies would even say he's even deadlier this way.

As if he's being pulled by an invisible force. Bernard battles it out with the golden dragons while wielding two zhekumium swords in his hands. From the corner of Rainer's eyes, he witnesses Bernard's moves. What were once forceful and commanding attacks have now changed to more graceful, elegant, and precise blows. While in awe at the legendary hero, a battle axe is flung at an attacking droid that tries to hit Rainer from a blind spot. Maxwell detaches the arm of the suit while holding the axe and commands it back to him. Rainer now shocked looks to Max and they both nod their heads knowing they each have to stay focused on the task at hand.

More time passes the heroes brought the numbers of the golden dragons even further down but not enough. Sullivan is worn down even further. Maxwell's suit is drained even more. Rainer being the only one left of energy tells his companions, "How're you holding up guys? I can recharge your suits again if you'd like?"

Bernard tells Rainer, "That would be helpful my Friend. But it appears you're starting to exhaust your abilities as well." Maxwell looks to Rainer. He sees the soldier breathing heavily. Rainer laughs to himself then tells Bernard, "Yeah. Recharging suits, tethering my electricity to a handful of multiple droids, while ordering commands to the droids, and being locked in a fight myself will drain me. It's like stretching my mind into a dozen directions at once and moving my mind in a continuous cycle. I can recover quickly, but that would mean bringing down our numbers and sacrificing our allies by me pulling back my tethered electricity." Bernard tells Rainer, "Well I guess we can't have that happen at least for now. Pull back a handful if you need strength son. Maxwell and I will simply fight harder so you can recover. We can't sacrifice our numbers but we also can't afford to lose our big guns within these numbers against us. If only we had another heavy hitter with us. Someone like Supremeo who could've pierced through the golden dragon's zhekumium armor."

Then out of nowhere an armored figure comes crashing in like a bolt of lightning and blows through a handful of Golden dragon droids with a simple strike of its fists.

The armor, like Supremeo's, has a familiar shade of inekium green to it. Its shape is familiar to all three heroes. Rainer is the first one to acknowledge this familiar armored savior. He says to it, "Zach! That you?"

The armored savior turns around and props the visor of his helmet up showing that's who exactly he is. Zachary tells Rainer, "Sorry for the late arrival guys. Supremeo was gathering backup. Once we got all the reinforcements we thought were necessary. I decided to head out ahead of everyone while Supremeo piolets an aircraft with all the help in tow."

With new energy ignited in his eyes, Maxwell tells Zach, "Don't worry about it. Better late than never. Where'd Supremeo head off to anyway?" Zachary tells Max, "He headed straight for War Hawk while I went here."

Bernard grins and says, "Two inekium armored warriors on each side of the battlefield? Sounds like a fair fight to me!"

The 4 heroes brace themselves for a final push to win their fight. A purple center gemstone placed in the middle of Zachary's chest plate glows with intensity as a golden dragon charges toward them.

War Hawk Crash Site

Pirates scatter in a defensive formation with the queen's guard members scattering as well, to lead the clusters of scattered troops. Their armor, weapons, and tech are slightly outdated compared to the pirate leaders. However, that isn't the main problem in their fight that approaches them. It's their experience.

SUPREMEO Vol. II: War HawkWhere stories live. Discover now