"Chay, are you ready for lunch?" Porsche knocks on the door at least, before opening it, but Porchay climbs off Kim's lap anyway.

"Don't pout," Porchay tells him when he sees his expression.

"I'm not pouting," Kim argues back, slowly standing up and stretching, even though he knows he is very much pouting.

"Looks like pouting to me," Porsche sing-songs as he comes around the corner. Kim glares at him, hoping it will shut him up. It's bad enough that he interrupts his time with his boyfriend for something as trivial as lunch. "Is grumpy here coming?" Porsche is not the least bit impressed by the glare.

"Don't leave me alone with these two," Kinn suddenly enters the room and, to Kim's great surprise, sides with him and not Porsche. He even puts an arm around Kim's shoulders.

"Oh, you two are going to cuddle again?" Porsche teases.

"Can I punch him?" Kim asks, looking at his brother for approval.

"Better not."

"Just kick him a bit? Just a little?"

"Kim!" Porchay warns, but giggles again.

"Come on, let's get something to eat and then see how Khun is doing. Arm called me earlier and told me he woke up for a few minutes."

"Did he scream again?" Kim wants to know and he and Kinn lead the way out of the room, Porsche and Porchay following.

"No. Arm said he was quiet and calm, but he didn't speak."

"Do you think he'll be all right?"

"The doctors said he should be all right. It was a flashback caused by the room, but with the right help it could be a chance for him to deal with his issues and not bury them anymore," Kinn repeats what the doctors must have told him.

When they reach the dining room, they all sit down, Kim happily between Porchay on his left and Kinn on his right, with Porsche facing him. He takes the opportunity to kick him in the shin.


"What?" Kim plays innocent.

"You better watch out or no more dates with my little brother," Porsche threatens.

"Like you can stop me," Kim snorts.

"Us... stop us," Porchay corrects from his left, and all Kim can do is lean in and kiss him.

"Urgh.. ok stop. Not in front of me." Porchay makes a face, while Kinn just laughs at his boyfriend's exaggerated disgust. "Are you sure you really want to go out with him? I'm sure we can find someone else." Porsche now turns to Porchay.

"He's finally realised that we're dating. Took him long enough," Porchay begins to tease Kim as well, but squeezes his hand.

"Fine. You can keep him," Porsche rolls his eyes. Then he points a finger at Kim's face. "Two things: One: If you break his heart again, I'll kill you. Two: Use protection."

"Hia!" Porchay blushes bright red.

Kim simply turns to Kinn. "You're going to give Chay the shovel talk too?"

"Sure," Kinn nods, trying to act like his mafia self, but his eyes are still too kind when he looks at Chay. "He's your responsibility now. You look after him, keep him in line and make sure he doesn't disappear again for weeks and months. If you hurt him, Khun and I will feed you to the fishes. And yes, use protection."

Both Kinn and Porsche laugh out loud, and Kim can't hide his chuckle either. Porchay seems to have had enough of them all, but comes willingly when Kim pulls him into a side hug and lets him hide his face on his shoulder.

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