Chapter 13

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Kim lets out a deep sigh as he pulls away from Chay, their lips touching for another second before he places his on Porchay's cheek. They are lying on the sofa in Porchay's room, snuggled up in front of the TV they are not watching, covered by a blanket. They are both tired and feel like they have a hangover. It's the effect of yesterday's events on them, and so the kisses don't get too heated or too passionate. It's not about sexual gratification and it's not intended to go anywhere, it's just about being close. Kim doesn't think he could get it up if he wanted to, Khun's screams are like the coldest shower in Kim's mind.

In between, they doze or talk about nothing important, taking turns to burrow into each other. They've been lying here for three hours, since the late breakfast with their brothers, who weren't in the mood to talk either.

Kim just wants to hold Porchay and bask in his touch and closeness, and Porchay must feel the same, because whenever they are alone, they cling to each other. It's mutual.

And right now Kim really appreciates the fact that he is smaller than his boyfriend, because he likes to lie in his arms, half on top of him or fitting under his arm, his face pressed against Porchay's neck, touching almost from head to toe.

Feeling vulnerable and small is not usually part of Kim's world, but it feels nice to let go of everything for once and have someone else just be there to carry your weight. He thinks that might be why he fell asleep when Kinn held him last night. Kim doesn't even remember how they ended up in that position, but he liked it.

Porchay called him "touch-starved" earlier when he pressed his head against Porchay's hand like a cat, and Kim is honest enough to admit that Porchay might have a point. And he'd like to let him make things better for him and stroke and touch him - not that Porchay is any less needy. If they weren't so tired and emotionally exhausted, Kim doubts they'd still be wearing clothes. There's only one way to be closer than they are now, and he'd gladly take that last step under different circumstances.

"Are you hungry? We could have some food brought here?" Kim murmurs against Porchay's neck, pushing his head closer to where his boyfriend is stroking his head and running his fingers through his hair. It feels so good.

"Mmh, I promised Porsche we'd meet for lunch today. I think he needs some brother time," Porchay replies, stopping Kim from protesting by tilting his head back and slipping his tongue into Kim's mouth. God, where did that boy learn to kiss? Kim goes boneless against him as they kiss deeply with their mouths open.

"I'll join you," Kim says when they separate a while later, Porchay now sitting on Kim's lap with his legs on either side.

"Good," Porchay smiles down at him and Kim just wraps his arms around him and pulls him in for another hug. It feels so good to finally be allowed to do this. He can feel Porchay's giggles on his chest and lets out another sigh. If only they could stay like this and never move again.

"I told Kinn last night that we're together now," Kim admits, closing his eyes.

"Because we kissed yesterday?"

Porchay's answer makes Kim's eyes open and then glare at him. "We made out and you slept in my bed."

"So? Are you saying you're my boyfriend now?" The corners of Porchay's mouth twitch, and the way his eyes twinkle, there is no way he can hide his amusement.

"You kissed me and called me stupid for not noticing that we were basically already dating... so don't start now," Kim warns him, but has to laugh too when Porchay starts giggling.

"Does that mean you liiiiike me?" Porchay teases through his laughter anyway.

Kim cups his face with one hand and pulls him close for another kiss. "So much," he whispers before their lips meet. They get lost in the kiss again, in touching, tasting and just being like this. Until there is a knock at the door.

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