Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The next day, Kim wakes up unusually early after a restless night, tossing and turning as plans, ideas and scenarios about the day ahead kept him awake throughout the night. The more he thought about it during the night, the more he came to the conclusion that a change of plans was already needed. Kim and Chan had planned the day before for Kim to take Chay around the compound again and show him everything he needs to know.

Now, however, Kim's gut tells him that he needs a different approach. As well as Porchay's anger worked yesterday with Chan around, Kim can't just keep acting like an asshole all the time if he ever wants Porchay to trust him again. Besides, Porchay's anger will eventually turn into indifference again, and Kim isn't willing to go much further to keep Porchay engaged and connected. He thinks he has a new plan for today, one that also takes advantage of the fact that Kinn and Porsche are still gone for the day. However, Kim can't take Porchay on a tour of the compound without upsetting him, lest he shut down. So he has to change the programme to something where Porchay has to be alert without Kim having to be too much of an ass.

It will also be a nice break for his own heart, because being mean or detached towards Porchay hurts himself as well. It goes against every feeling and instinct Kim has.

Lying in bed, already awake but too tired to get up, Kim closes his eyes and loses himself in dreams of holding Porchay close, breathing him in. Making him laugh and smile with kisses all over his face. To play with Porchay's hair and watch his sweet face as Kim surrounds his icy heart with the warmth that radiates from the boy he loves. Kim sighs and bites his lip to keep from crying out. The longing and pain in his chest overwhelms him.

When Kim can't stay in bed any longer, the anxiety of the day ahead making him nervous and itchy, he takes a long hot shower. Usually the hot water and a quick masturbation help him to calm down, but today he can't really concentrate on the pleasure as Porchay's dejected look from the day before keeps popping up in his mind. Instead, in frustration, Kim uses cold water to get rid of the semi-erect boner he still has after ten minutes of trying to finish.

Kim dresses casually in sweatpants and a T-shirt, along with his gym shoes. He'll need them today.

Instead of having breakfast with his brother, Kim goes to see Chan in the bodyguard restaurant, shocking the entire room of casually dressed and half-asleep guards as they jump up and bow to greet him. He made an impression on even the newcomers yesterday. In no mood to order them around, Kim simply waves them back to their seats, aware that their eyes follow him.

"Good morning, Khun Kim," Chan greets him when he sees him, but doesn't get up and Kim allows himself to sink into the chair opposite him.

"Morning," he mumbles. He desperately needs some coffee, overwhelmed by tiredness after the shitty night he had.

"If you're waiting for someone to serve you, you have to organise it yourself. In here, everyone serves themselves," Chan tells him after a while, as Kim quietly waits for the waiters to come and serve his food.

"Ugh," Kim groans, but he gets up and fetches himself some eggs, toast, congee, fruit and coffee. No one dares to get up while he's getting his food and drink, and if Kim were in a better mood he'd be laughing at the cowardly guards around him. They think he is unhinged, but yesterday he was simply restoring order and striking out at those who deserved it. As long as nobody screws up again, Kim won't get his hands dirty. It's not that he likes beating up guards or punishing them, it's necessary but not something he enjoys. There's still some humanity in him and he's not completely crazy yet.

"You have a hairdressing appointment in an hour. No need to be up already," Chan raises his eyebrows questioningly as Kim sips his coffee.

"I couldn't sleep. We have to change our plan."

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