At least in theory. Kim is sure that Tankhun sees this more as a show he gets to host with Porchay as his co-host, commenting on everything and getting on their nerves.

"Shall we go?" Kim looks at Chan, then at Arm.

"Yes," Chan nods and takes a bag with the equipment they actually need.

"Hey, stop! I haven't given you the signal yet!" Tankhun shouts in their ears. A second later there is a bang and glitter flies across the garden. "Go, go, go," Tankhun cheers as Kim closes his eyes and prays for patience. This is not the day for his older brother's nonsense.

"Kim?" Kinn stops him just as he takes a step forward.

"Hm?" He turns around again, daring his other older brother to come up with more stupid shit. He might punch him in the face if he does, because unlike Tankhun, he's right here, so it's possible.

"You be careful in there."

Kim just nods, but holds his brother's eyes for a second. Not used to his brother worrying about him, he is surprised.

Today they will tackle the ground floor and see how far they can get. They will slowly work their way up the floors to Namphueng's rooms, giving Porsche more time to prepare her for her impending freedom. They have already done tests on the structure of the house and were all surprised at what a fortified fort Korn's house is. Not even several huge bombs exploding downstairs could bring down the rest of the building.

Arm, Chan and Kim enter through the main entrance. The atmosphere is gloomy, as they had closed all the blinds beforehand. It also smells a bit dusty and stale. Afraid of what might happen, Kinn has had the cleaning and domestic staff do only the most necessary tasks around the house, except upstairs on Namphueng's floor. The house is no longer used except for her and the staff who attend to her needs. His father always had a penchant for dark wood and leather, which adds to the atmosphere now.

There are stairs leading upstairs, a lift to the left and glass doors to the right. They stop just inside the front door and Chan and Kim put on their infrared specs, while Arm stays back, tapping away on his iPad.

"Ok, lights out in 3, 2, 1," he counts, and then all the lights in the room go out. The blinds and shutters have already been closed, so the room is in darkness. "4 CCTV cameras in the room, all still active," Arm reports what he knows of the official security installed in the room.

"Yes, we can see you from four different angles," Tankhun confirms, and Kim is surprised at how serious he sounds. He was expecting a lot of bullshit right from the start.

"Infrared negative," Chan reports as he looks around the room.

"'Activating alarm system," Arm replies, and a second later they see the red lights of the alarm system sweep through the room. A second after that, he turns it off again before the sirens start.

"Official transmission off," Kim orders, and Arm turns off the cameras and the alarm system in the room.

"Aow, Kim! We can't see anything anymore," Tankhun's sulky voice echoes over the intercom. "Everything's black and grey."

"They have to turn off the cameras, otherwise they can't use the scanners to look for other things," Porchay can be heard explaining what Tankhun should know, and Kim smiles. It's dark and no one will see it anyway. Porchay has learned so much in the last two weeks and has never missed a training session. He listened when Kim spoke and asked questions at the right moments. They've talked about bugs, cameras and trackers, and he's learned how to identify different alarm systems, even though Kim hasn't shown him how to defeat them yet. Porchay is still learning how to open doors with a card or a picklock. He has managed to do so with simpler locks, but not yet with security locks. He's also gotten pretty good at identifying gang tattoos and deciding if they're friends or enemies.

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